Do you think Narendra Modi will get elected again? *Read further info before answering*

There are people who thinks their convenience is more important than the nation economy. Also, I think opposition party will try to brainwash people by saying that Modi Government does this/that to get personal benefit. Poor people have no idea about economy.What is your view on it from this aspect?

21 Answers
Nikhil G Daniel
Nikhil G Daniel, Following indian politics for some years
PS: I'm one of many who stay critic against each and every descision about modi and modi led-government .
In short its YES
Yeah you heard it right , the chance of modi/modi led government to re-elect on 2019 is really high even holds above 60% of chance,So i will explain with some of valid points.
  • No prominent PM Candidate against Modi
INC is the only national party capable of making a strong competition against BJP all around the nation as far as now they even failed as a opposition .But the main problem is their current assumed PM Candidate Rahul Gandhi (No need of explanation , i think )
Some other possibilities are Arvind Kejriwal : Day by day his chance are getting lesser and lesser ( I was a pro AAP supporter )
Jayalalithaa , Nithish Kumar they still cant stand alone but need a strong coalition government not possible as of now. ( Health Issues of Jayalalithaa )
Edit : 1
  • Wise use social media
Modi inspired almost all politicians and political party how to use social networks wisely to reaching out a larger number of audience about recent archivements and plans.Even they used to solve peoples problems and they are somewhat successful in that (The way in which Indian Railway handles their twitter is one of the good example ).
  • Less BS
Main problem with almost all politicians they spent more time to BS other polititians or political party rather than doing their own work ( Arvind Kejriwal is the best example ) .
  • His Vision
Modi's Visions like make in India , GST etc are some of the examples (Maybe none of this will be his idea even though this shows everyone's idea and opinions are counting ) and the way he convince the people about his policies.
A lot of people didn't like Virat Kohli when he came on the scene!
He would curse when India got a wicket, curse when he hit a century, show his middle finger to the crowds and do all of that with an angry face! He didn't care, he just was very proud to wear that India jersey and he wasn't going to back off.
His brilliance was yet to be understood - this was just a kid in a hurry to express himself in a man's world. He even embarrassed many of us, but his aggression was merely his method to get motivated to win, win. win. When we see him win, win, win for India, we are thrilled, and we have forgotten all those negatives.
Modi is on a mission to make India win, win, win, and he doesn't let excuses, critics, laziness, or cowards come in the way. This is his middle finger to the black economy, and this is his carpet bombing of a large section of illegality. He wants to put the India growth story on steroids.
He very politely asked all of us Indians to kindly bear with short term pain, to support this decision of his. He trusted our resilience and we better not drop the ball.
The pain we have to suffer is minuscule compared to the pains our soldiers face defending every inch of our soil. This is nothing compared to the sacrifices many of our forefathers made to win India's freedom. What's this compared to the millions of families that donated gold to the nation's war effort in 1971? Heck, this is not even a fraction of the pain our scientists went through at ISRO to make us a space power. Let's learn to show some respect to those who put in effort to make India win.
True to anything in India, the weasels, the cowards, the opportunists and the lazy naysayers have all come out in some force to criticize Modi. But none of them really count. The bomb has exploded and the fat butts of the bandicoots have been torn open by the shock wave. They haven't even limped out of their holes to see the destruction in whole yet. It's already too late for most of the villains in this story.
Pesticide stinks, but we have to get rid of the pests. They usually squeak and squirm before they die. In a democracy, we let them talk, and they can talk as much as they want, but they know the noose is tightening around their necks.
It is said that small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas. Our Prime Minister for most part, operates at the idea level. Let's not imagine he will be slowed down by people and events.
While all this ruckus is being kicked up here, he just signed a landmark deal with Japan after six years of talks, that makes India the first country which has not signed the NPT to be able to get fuel, reactors, and technology from Japan.
Let's not allow the fooling around by the detractors to distract us.
83% of this country's people seem to know Modi is on the right path.
Now watch all the twits and tweets finding fault with the survey methodology.
Inflementasun naat gud saar!)
The rest can be dragged kicking and screaming into the next chapter of the India story
For now, they can be ignored.
PS: Short answer- Hell, yeah!
(Edit: For some reason people are reading bigotry into this 83% figure! It is from a poll conducted by CNN TV18 yesterday and today, about people approving of the demonetisation move! If I wanted to be a bigot, I would choose a far hotter question than this! Thank you!)
Danton Eisenheim
Danton Eisenheim, studied at Indian Institutes of Technology
There are 2 psychological aspects that are very prominent in Indian people:
  1. We like credible leaders.
  2. First Impression made by an Indian is hugely lasting.Once we develop a first impression that a leader is credible, it is very tough to remove that aura from our minds.

    Now. let us see through an illustration of how the Indian people view a credible leader vs non - credible leader by comparing two moves by 2 very different leaders and how the public responded to them.

    Move 1: Earlier this year, Arvind Kejriwal introduced the odd even rule for vehicles in Delhi.
    Move 2: Narendra Modi introduces demonetisation of Rs. 500 and 1000 notes.

    The odd-even rule was introduced to curb pollution and protect common man’s health.The demonetisation was introduced to curb black money and thereby protect common man’s wealth.Both the causes are pressing and the action on these causes was extremely necessary.

    Impact on Common man
    Odd - even rule curbed the use of own vehicles. The publuc were free to use CNG vehicles or public transport and as a matter of fact, many of the Uber/Ola cabs are CNG run. So, the only loss for the public was that they couldn’t drive their own car to office and other places. The impact is minimal.
    The demonetisation had huge effects - severe cash crunch disruptin gthe life of every Indian. Severe effect on small businessman and rural areas. The impact was humongous.

    Response of PublicThe public of Delhi were enraged by the odd-even rule even given the impact of this rule was not life changing - Odd-even: Govt serious about enforcement, but response from Delhi residents less encouraging - Firstpost
    Now, the move would have atleast a lukewarm effect on the pollution levels in Delhi but the public were aghast.

    Now, the demonetisation move has been received very positively by most public. People are helping each other in cash crunch even though the impact is much more severe and the inconvenience a lot more than the odd-even rule.

    Need I say more. Modi has won the 2019 election much before 2019.
Anand Dusane
Anand Dusane, A Chartered Accountant who brings in an audit angle to everything.
The people in India are amazing when it comes to leadership. Each one wants to lead but none wants to be led. In this nation if people are really fond of Mr. Modi even after 2+ odd years then there is something truly amazing with it - Faith!
People have put in a lot of faith in the Prime Minister and why not!
A Prime Minister who sleeps for less than 6 hours a day and works round the clock, visits nations, foster ties, brings in tons of capital investment, builds ‘India’ as a brand, dares to order a surgical strike, challenges the fellow nations over entry into NSG, secures the Border, Dares to take a bold move of demonetization and does everything that an ideal Prime Minister must do and more!
He respects people and exactly gets the same in return.
The picture speaks a thousand words. Which leader spent and celebrated festivals with the keeper of peace and the Saviors - Indian Army? He does!
And then we have Rahul Gandhi who goes to the ATM to withdraw Rs. 4000 after getting down from a Rs. 40 lakhs worth Range Rover with 4 bodyguards.
Popularity is one thing and making people have trust and faith in you is yet a whole another pinnacle level thing.
Modiji does things for the nation in a way with such spirit and courage that popularity just follows - in India? Yes. In the whole world? Yes.
Shishir Chauhan
Shishir Chauhan, Marketer at OneDirect (
Even though my personal choice for PM in 2019 would be Mr. Narrendra Modi for all the obvious reasons, I would still answer this question with valid points.
After all, we are a democracy and it may happen that a majority of social media users are Modi fan (evident with the way Mr Modi is being advocated) but that may not depict the right picture for the mood of this nation. Secondly, the beauty of democracy is that a government is elected by the majority of a nation. Most importantly, the power must revolve to avoid its misuse. India has already witnessed its misuse once when Emergency was imposed for the profit of the then PM of this nation. One of the reasons for Emergency was that Mrs Indira Gandhi was not too comfortable with the rising sentiments against her. She was, no doubt one of the best PM this country has witnessed but then the addiction to power overcame the better of her. For long, people had voted for congress unanimously and it was hard to digest for Mrs Indira Gandhi to witness her disqualification as PM.
Loss of power is the only fear which can keep any politician on his toes. Hitler never had this fear but when this fear surfaced towards the end of World War II, the world witnessed his suicide.
Now, let’s ponder on the possible outcomes of General elections in 2019 with its possibility and reasons for them:
1. Mr Modi and his party wins by majority - UnlikelyDuring 2014 elections there was a strong wave of incumbency against Congress. Many people may not agree, but the Modi wave was not that strong as the incumbency wave. This incumbency was self inflicted by Congress. A lot of people voted for BJP and Mr Modi even though they did not like them personally due this incumbency. Another major reason for BJP’s overwhelming victory was the support they garnered from youths, students and first time voters. The current scenario is a bit different. The mood of this community is divided. Whatever happened in JNU, FTII nad Hyderabad University depicts the same. Formation of Mahagathbandhan in Bihar and most likely in UP as well was another blow to BJP. Bihar and UP combined constitutes around 22%(120) of Lok Sabha seats and BJP won 102 seats out of 120 in these 2 states. This looks highly impossible in 2019 for various reasons like polarization and caste politics to count a few. Scam free government, taking India out of policy paralysis, GST and most importantly surgical strike on Pakistan, among other initiatives may work for BJP but will not be sufficient for landslide victory unlike 2014.
2. Mr Modi and his party wins maximum number of seats and require a coalition to form a government - Most Likely
Along with above mentioned reasons which may account to loss of a lot of seats, BJP may also suffer defeats in J&K and Modi’s Gujarat. The rise of a young man crusading his movement for reservation may go against BJP. Secondly, the political brass has started realizing that there is a scope of a third front formed by smaller regional parties like RJD, JD(u), JD(s), SP, TMC, AAP and Left. They have understood that it may require more than Rahul Gandhi and his Congress to defeat the rising popularity of Mr. Modi. The current attempt to form the coalition in UP is an effort in that direction. The real challenge for this front would be to name a leader amongst themselves, to name a “King of Kings” kind of dilemma. In last election, they fought separately or fought with Congress and paid the price of incumbency against Congres. The challenge for BJP, however would be to form a coalition. Things are not going well with Shiv Sena in Maharashtra, Akali Dal may support and JD(u) has already separated, BJD in Orissa may or may not support. All these were/are part of NDA. The fate of BJP coming into power also depends on the performance of its coalition partners in states like J&K (PDP), Tamil Nadu(AIADMK) and Andhra Pradesh (TDP).
3. BJP looses and Congress emerges as single largest party - UnlikelyCongress would never name anyone apart from Rahul Gandhi for PM post. The sentiments are not favorable for him for obvious reasons. Most of the time this man sounds confuse and displays immaturity. Apart from this, the rise of corruption in Congress regime is still fresh in people’s mind. BJP will leave no stone upturned to remind people how NDA regime was scam free. But issues like OROP, GST and inflation may go against BJP. Regional issues like Jaat reservation, Patidaar reservation and J&K unrest may dent BJP. “Secularism” will also be raised actively by all these parties to bring down BJP (has worked for them in past). But still the idea of Congress emerging as largest party seems remote.
4. The third front wins majority of seats and forms government with Congress - Likely
The biggest challenge here would be for Congress to play second fiddle. This will never be a stable government as in the past as well Congress supported third front government of Mr Devegowda and Mr I K Gujaral but then withdrew support forcing mid-term election. The challenge of naming a leader amongst themselves has already been highlighted. Having said all this, in desperation to keep BJP away from power all these forces may come together and even Congress may compromise but this will never be a stable government.
So what are your options to defeat Mr Modi in 2019 ? Well, looks like you have a herculean task at hand. Either hope for BJP to commit a grave mistake. Looking at Amit Shah and Modi combination, this does not look a viable thing to hope for. Or talk to all other parties (regional/national) to fight unanimously against BJP and malign Mr Modi’s image personally (through political gimmicks, polarization, secularism to name a few).
My Opinion -
There are 2 major reasons why I think he will be elected again in 2019:
1. There is no viable replacement of Mr Modi. - Look at the options available for the PM post. You have Rahul Gandhi and may be Nitish Kumar from third front. The truth is if Rahul Gandhi could have been in any other profession, may be he had succeeded. But politics is just not for him. He is definitely not a good orator and lacks the ability to motivate people to vote for him. His ideas and philosophies often sounds confused. Secondly, he has nothing substantial to cite and encourage people to vote from his previous 10 year regime. Nitish Kumar has the advantage here, being a good orator and stupendous track record in Bihar but will lack the support from his major allies like SP and RJD.
2. Lack of unity among other parties. - The regional parties have the potential to win major vote share but they lack unity. SP, BSP, RJD, JD (u), JD(s), TMC, AIADMK and others are too busy fighting with each other. In the past Left parties have acted as catalyst and a cohesive force to bring the third front together but they are fighting their own battle for existence now.
Opposition parties can try to dent Mr Modi’s chances by raising issues like communalism, inflation and may polarize voters basis ther age old caste politics but they will refrain from national topics like “Development”, “Corruption”, “Internal Security/Terrorism”, “Welfare Schemes” & “Foreign Policy” card for election 2019, fortunately/unfortunately BJP in Mr Modi’s leadership has mastered these causes. Well, that leaves you with very limited choices and urgent need for “Miracle” to defeat Mr Modi in 2019.
Hence, Mr Modi is the only option people have for 2019 and may not be that bad option after all.
Ajay Dandriyal
Ajay Dandriyal, Keen follower of Indian politics
Yes ! Some great answers here, I'll state mine in a slight different way. As everyone may have heard by now, Rahul Gandhi is all set to take over as Congress’ President so we will see another leader. Anyway, Let's form an alliance of potential candidates considering the regional influence. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Tamilnadu, West Bengal and Delhi.
Mulayam- he himself wants to become Prime Minister one day. Kejriwal, Mamta, Nitish, and even Amma may form an alliance with him and elect him as their leader. Add a few small regional parties and they are there.
Kejriwal - Although he would have less number of seats than others, his continuous attack on Modi and proximity to Delhi may force other leaders to make him their leader. Similarly, few like-minded parties, RJD, RLD etc., Government is formed.
Mamta- Didi had said after hammering everyone in Bengal, i am going to Delhi. And with potential 35-40 seats under her belt, she is a possibility too.
Nitish - Since sweeping NDA-led alliance in Bihar, his credentials have soared. In addition, he has been the CM of one of the most important states that have the power to change political affairs. Also, he has already began campaigning. So, this shows his conspicuous motive.
Amma- Now, though Tamilnadu sends 39 MPs, it hasn't had a serious say in making government at centre. However, considering the situation of DMK in the state, if she lends her support to this alliance, it would be a huge boost for them.
But the Question is, would anyone of the aforementioned leaders sacrifice his or her dream? Has there been an alliance at the centre without cracks in it? Does anyone think despite having serious differences they would succeed in making an alliance? How long would it survive ? Sonia would desert her dream? I do not think congress would support it, unless they agree to make Rahul Gandhi as Prime Minister, which ain't gonna happen.
If Kejriwal miraculously wins Punjab, Gujarat, Goa and some other he might want to fight, even in that case it would be 2024. Consequently, there is a possibility, but I cannot see how they would succeed. Moreover, BJP is gaining state after state and seems unstoppable. Also, Narendra Modi has taken some bold steps which have been absolute brilliant. To me, I can't see how anyone could beat or would be better than Modi.
Mani Duraisamy
Mani Duraisamy, Politically (In)Correct
Will Modi government get elected again?
Probably Yes.
As for inconvenience, here are a few personal anecdotes from what I had observed when I stood at the queue at my bank to exchange 2500 bucks which I had with me.
  1. Yes, there was a long queue and we waited for 1.5 to 2 hours. People have waited in longer queues than this. For getting a 5 second darshan at the Tirupathy Balaji temple, people stand for all day, braving the weather and the crowd. I have stood in an even longer queue at cricket stadiums to buy tickets for the CSK-RCB IPL match two years back. Compared to those unruly crowds in temples and cricket stadiums, this crowd is organized, neat and patient. People who did not have much understanding of the black economy were asking how this move would flush out black money. I was surprised that even college students (a couple of years younger than me) did not even know what black money is. But no issues, it happens and there is a first time for everything. This situation created awareness amongst youngsters about black money, how the RBI mints money and how the black market works.
  2. Yes, there were many people without any PAN cards or bank accounts in that bank. But again thats not a problem. You can bring any ID proof you have. Even the poorest of poor will be having a MGNREGA card or a ration card. You can easily get your money exchanged. So the standard pro-poor argument that RaGa, AK, Mayawati and other politicians use saying that poor people will be affected is busted. This move is almost flawless in that aspect.
  3. From my observations- its the rich and the upper-middle class who whine about the ‘inconvenience’ caused by this move. The most patient people were the poor and the lower class- autowallahs, maids, shop-keepers, sweepers - all of them were in the crowd with me, waiting to get their lone 500/- note exchanged!!. So much so for the pro-poor brigade!!.
  4. The bank staff were kind enough in guiding us. A person did not bring his bank passbook , but he gave his account number and credit card number and the bank staff noted that down on that guy’s form and he got the exchanged note.
  5. Contrary to what is being portrayed by the elitist media, its the poor people who are most interested to know how this move will impact. An auto-wallah whom I know very well, was also waiting along with the queue. He was holding a local Tamil daily in which the PM’s address (which he had given on that night) was given. He asked me and my friend (who had come along with me) about this decision and what does it mean. He was keen to hear on what it meant and genuinely appreciated the PM’s decision. And he was not exactly a Modi fan, but he admitted that this move will be good for the country. So the Modi critics amongst the lower-class are also appreciating this move. Its not a propaganda by the ‘Hindutvadis’.

Yes, this move has caught a lot of people unawares. But the fact that the government has taken this bold step- itself shows that they have the spine to deal with the backlash. People are not fools to fall prey to what politicians say nowadays. Gone are those days- when election rallies being held and people queued up for the smatterings that politicians threw in their campaigns.
This is the information Age. Even an auto-wallah can afford a decent mobile phone and listen to FM news and radio to learn more. They need not know about the economy from the politicians. Yes, there are FM channels where they explain how this move will impact the black money market (in layman’s terms ofcourse).
The incumbents will complain. Nobody likes change and this move has got political implications as well. You can see complaints from Mayawati, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Akhilesh Yadav etc..This move would have hit those politicians hard because now you cant buy votes with 500/-. No wonder these people cried at the top of their voices seeing their plans burnt to twigs. Yes- I daresay that the timing of this move is quite convenient. The UP and Punjab elections will become a low-key affair for those who were depending on the age old strategy of buying votes with those now worthless notes.
In summary:
  • Yes, Modi will get elected again. Provided that there are no major scams or riots going forward.
  • This move is likely to curb the black money menace atleast partially and for quite sometime. Its not a permanent solution or the only solution. But one of the solutions.
  • People are not ullus (fools) to believe politicians and the print media. They have their own ways of getting information. The media is losing trust amongst the general public. Case in point- the election of Trump in the USA!!.
  • Contrary to popular belief, its the poor people who are more eager to know more about the economic and social impacts of this move. We have this romantic notion that poor people dont have ‘time’ to learn about all this. Wrong. Lower- class people are the ones who show the maximum interest. They are parting with their hard-earned money after all. So they would want to know more.
  • Its the rich and the elites who whine always and yeah- they would say that the oh-so-good-proletariat would suffer.
Too early to decide.
If the corporates keep getting benefitted more than the common man then definitely no. No one ever won kicking common man in the guts.
If taxes get simplified, spending power increases and farmers get their due share of support then a big yes.
As of now, Modi remains unchallenged as there is no alternate leader in the horizon. Yes Modi’s apparent invincibility itself could become a glue for the opposition to join and try a mahagathbandhan Bihar style all over India, which could make a dent in Modi’s victory margin. But we cannot visualize Mulayam and Mayavati or DMK and ADMK in the same coalition and this limited opposition unity is unlikely to be sufficiently strong to defeat Modi. Of course 2019 is still far off and quite a few things could change.
In any case Modi will not lose because of the reasons you have cited. Sheer propaganda cannot unseat a leader. And in any case Modi is past master in capturing public imagination through powerful orations and it is the opposition which is handicapped in this regard.
Praveen Kumar Jinjawadiya
Praveen Kumar Jinjawadiya, India is changing rapidly under modi
“Any thing that get rewarded, gets repeated.”
This is a universal principle. it cut across countries , religions and cultures. it is demonstrated in our home , office and societies. when you reward positive behaviour or any noble work , it get repeated, but when you reward negative behaviour or any ridiculous thing , then that gets repeated too.
Indians are very happy by the way Modi in governing india. because -
  • He is working for common people of india.
  • He sacrifices his every moment of life for the sake of nation by working 18 - 20 hour a day and 365 days in a year and save time for country.
  • He is the only prime minister who celebrate Diwali with soldier as far as I know.
  • He is people’s leader and connect directly with them.
  • He is not remote controlled as we have seen in last 10 years.
  • He putting his effort to make India corruption free and connecting India through latest technology.
  • He is not only personally honest but he ensures that his cabinet colleagues also can’t engage in corruption
  • He give more freedom to Indian Army especially on LOC.
  • He rise India's value on world stage.
He was elected in 2014 because of his Gujarat model. people wanted to repeat his work on central level. Now he has more reason to re-elect in 2019 than 2014 election.
There is no one else who will be rewarded by people because any other will repeat the same thing what he is doing now and people of this country very well know about what modi is doing and what others. so undoubtedly he will be our prime minister next time also.
Varun Bhakay
Varun Bhakay, Takes a keen interest in national politics
In India, there are only two parties who can win the General Elections: The Congress and the BJP.
For the BJP to lose, either of these two things needs to happen:
A. Congress needs to rid itself of the Gandhis and start afresh now. They’ve got two years to clean up their act and many a state election to prove themselves in but frankly, the chances of me topping my Board exams are higher than the chances of the Congress doing this.
B. PM Modi and his team need to bugger things up big time. And I mean BIG TIME! Demonitisation has perhaps made people realise that this government too is human and the PM is no Superman. The idea was novel, the implementation was shoddy to say the least. But one blunder won’t be a very harsh blow to the BJP and its allies.
In short, the BJP (or the NDA) will win the next General Elections, but they may find themselves handed a reduced majority by the people. But a majority all the same.
Madhumita, a teacher and a student for life.
The BJP will win the maximum number of seats but the opportunistic opposition parties will come together to try to keep the BJP out of power. That's my biggest fear. The deserving won't win, the cowards will suddenly unite because that's the only way they can keep Modi out.
Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar, in love with test cricket for 18 years.
It all depends on allies BJP is able to secure. They definitely won’t be able to get absolute majority. They will still be the party with maximum number of Lok Sabha seats. BJP won’t be able to garner same number of votes as it did in 2014. So expect UP, Bihar to vote differently. Another thing is the states of MP and Rajasthan which swing their support from election to election. Anti incumbency in many states would also play.
So the situation highly depends on ability of BJP to get allies. They won’t be able to stand alone. A lot depends on results of UP, MP, Rajasthan, Punjab , Chattisgarh.
To summarise BJP needs allies to make to the finishing line.
Aashish Kumar Dimri
Aashish Kumar Dimri, Studies Narendra Modi, who leads the largest democracy
  • Yes, Narendra Modi believes in a quotation of Gandhi ji- "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi.
  • His tough fight against terror networks and black money hoarders may be detested by some - generally powerful and money bags- but he has certainly earned praise of man and woman on street who often fear some thing terrible going to happen to him or her…
Suvam Nandi
Suvam Nandi, ...... phir bhi mera bharat mahan
No he will not.
Have I got your attention now? I know many of us over here want him to, and for that you and me need to go out there and vote. Let’s be a bit skeptical and turn out in droves, convince each in our vicinity and ensure he returns. We don't want to undo the goods done.
We have a recent example of what complacency on the voter’s side did to Hillary Clinton’s chances. Let’s learn our lesson and not repeat the same mistake here.
Ronit Singh
Ronit Singh, follower of a selfish PM who keeps country first and family second. How rude ?
I cant comment about other age group but yes youths are influenced by his bold steps
And he has best cabinate till now , gave sufficeint powers to adminstrative and defence persons
Some of his decisions that will change india future are
  1. Making india clean
  2. Connecting rivers
  3. Make in India
  4. Modernisation of railways
  5. Bold steps for ease of doing business in india
  6. Making strong international allies
  7. Smart cities and villeges plan
Their are many more like jan dhan yojna , gold monitization , etc .
So after a long time we got a PM like him so we should not settle only with his one term and try to make him pm for next 10 years
If a person is ready to work for our country why should we stop him from doing that
On other hand do we have a option with pappu like people . . As our pm
Who will make trips to amusment park’s of world .
2014: The UPA-INC was led by Rahul Gandhi C/o Sonia Gandhi,
Do you need any other reason to elect Narendra Modi?
2019: Who else would lead UPA-INC? Rahul Gandhi.
Do you need any other reason to vote for Modi?
INC and their leaders are highly irresponsible towards the nation and its public by projecting Mr. Gandhi as their leader. Its high time they should stop this family politics and give desirable candidates chance to contest.
If there is no change in INC leadership I would vote for Modi. I do not want Mr.Gandhi as the Prime Minister of India, heavens sake its the Prime Minister of the country.
Yes, there could be chances a lot for Modi to win 2019 elections, the reasons are, 2 surgical strikes one at terrorists and 2 is on black money, only in 2 days more than 2.5 lakh crore rupees has been deposited after demonitisation of 500 and 1000, and lot of money is burnt,thrown in the lakes garbage bins by the black money holders, common man is happy with this move, and who knows in 2014 elections he said if the entire black money is bring back in economy every individual could get 15 lacs, so after collecting the entire money he could distribute at 10 thousand per head if not 15 lacs, and poor will be more happy. Already people are very much impressed with his working and his bold decisions.
In 2014 Lok Sabha elections, all Opinion Polls except Chanakya gave a near majority for NDA (for the Alliance, not just BJP) but still short of majority by 20 - 50 seats. The May 2014 results were astonishing with BJP itself passing the midway mark and NDA comfortably placed over 300.
Though 2019 is still far away, if elections were held in 2017, I would say BJP/NDA would even better its 2014 records - 350 - 380 seats. I say this because leadership is all that matters. A strong leader with his able colleague ministers, who is always in the public domain, inspires the people, hard working and able to connect with the public makes all the difference.
He won’t win 2019 Elections. Although the decision by Mr Modi to curb black money is great however, it has disrupted the life of common people. According to Modi people are happy with his move, even I am happy with the motive, but it lacks proper implementation and execution has failed badly.
People praising him on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter are mostly his supporters but unaware of the fact that Modi’s moves are dangerous for senior citizens and middle class citizens. Ground Reality is different people are cursing him for standing in long unending cues.
What people see on social networking sites is not true all the time, sentiments differ in real life. American election is a perfect example of this Trump was shown in bad light on social media and big Newspapers like NYT and washington post but he still managed to Win Presidential elections.
Modi’s does not appreciate savings of People what he encourages people is to take loans will hurt them very badly, what will the non pensioner class do if this happens?
Rich people invest in Share market, real estate etc and they can manage to take risks however Senior citizens or common people keep their hard earned money in banks, which are no longer safe these days because Banks are pressurized by RBI Governor and FM to reduce Interest rates.
Industrialist are taking disadvantage of these moves. Remember Mallya? Adani? Ambani?
And yes I am not a Modi critic or Congress or App Supporter. I am just a common Indian.


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