Why is Mamata Banerjee blaming Modi for fearing an army coup?

20 Answers

Satyarth Routroy
Satyarth Routroy, His action is louder than his voice
Appu Pandey
Appu Pandey, An Indian Citizen with a fair opinion on Politics
Mrutyunjay Joshi
Mrutyunjay Joshi, Indian politics is like spider web. Only spider knows where to step on.
I have never seen Mamta being such a restless person ever. For me, Mamta banerjee is female version of Kejriwal. This was a limit now, making allegations on army for a coup!
Recently she was acting paranoid in media as the flight was delayed due fuel issue. She claimed it as threats her life. One should note that she was not the one going to travel on that flight. There were many others too traveling on that flight. Not only one but there were two more flights running out of fuel. Flights running out of fuel and delay is little common thing we might have faced it. But, Did we ever claim it as threat to our life?
My home is near Porbandar, Gujarat. I live just 150 km from the Base of Indian Navy. Many times I see patrolling by Navy & Army Personnel very often. This is routine thing for army. Army’s work is not limited for the issue related to borders. Army also take care about the insurgencies taking place with in the nation.
Bengal is a state, where you have ‘chicken’s neck’. Bengal is popular for insurgencies, Bangladeshi illegal immigrants. International border of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal touches Bengal too. Why can’t an Army drill in such a sensitive place? Is army drill for he the precaution of citizens of India a coup for Mamta?
You can’t involve Defense in your political gain. Army did his work. Army neither asked anything to Mamta nor did they go to her. Then what is the reason for blaming the Soldiers risking there life for the nation. She should lower her standards by such allegations on army. This is working as self defamation for her.
Siddharth Pathak
Siddharth Pathak, Indian politics makes House of Cards look very cute
Perhaps it certainly is a n overly dramatic reaction from her, but one can't deny that we seem to be living in the apex of big centralised government in India.
The intrusion of the state has come about during the time of a Prime Minister who perhaps is the most powerful leader India has had since the time of Indira Gandhi. It is a point that @Nagarajan Srinivas has made several points from which I am borrowing my view.
The economic reaction to alleviate pressure arising from demonization is likely to include a dramatic increase in government spending which will further centralize the affairs in the country. It is but natural then to expect the state governments particularly from different political parties fear things going towards similar situations when the Congress used to exercise it's unchecked dominance in a blatant manner.
Is India heading to a similar condition, that should depend on the course of action the state decides to undertake, but it isn't too difficult to smell a protracted civil discontent brewing.
Mamta Banerjee is just channelizing that, regardless of whether she sees such a condition rising or not.
Rajagopalan K Suryanarayan
Rajagopalan K Suryanarayan, I am interested in Indian History, Political science & present politics of India
  1. Mamata’s audacious great March along with Kejriwal to Rashtrapathi Bhavan totally failed to evoke any response in any parts of the nation. She is now licking her wounds. Having hit upon this issue she has been taking the issue of army coup.
  2. Mamata in her speech during her March against demonetization has woven that she will bring down Modi. Having seen jawans at Toll Plaza,she thought she has hit upon a new idea of attack on Modi. Now she is bragging that she fears a coup.
  3. Mamata of late has befriended Kejriwal, just like the saying which goes “Birds of the same feather flock together.” Because of her association with Kejriwal, she has been alleging without substantiation of her claim and shouting louder than Kejriwal.
  4. Mamata’s loss of face due to her utter failure of her march to Rashtrapathi Bhavan might have resulted in the loss of her mental thinking capacity. Probably she might have lost her mental balance as well. She should research well and get her facts straight before making foolish statements.
  5. Whatever credibility she had previously has gone down the drain because of her stupid and irresponsible statements.
Anu G
Anu G, Avid Reader Amateur painter Telecom consultant Political observer Love to travel
  • Mamta Banerjee is getting paranoid, delusional ?
  • Mamta Banerjee is seeking media attention ?
  • Mamta Banerjee wants to bring down Modi’s popularity ?
  • Mamta Banerjee wants to divert people attention from the corruption in her state?
  • Mamta Banerjee does not know about what and how the Army conducts its exercises in the state?
As per my analysis the truth behind her purported fears is not related to any of the above. Usually her vitriol does not go beyond few twitter comments. But post demonetisation she is swearing to remove Modi, calling him Gunda. And now why is she coming into a direct conflict with the center over an issue that will not cut much ice with people within her state as well as rest of India?
Mamta is thinking long term. And recent demonetization has aggravated her concerns :
1. BJP’s persistent efforts to become significant in Bengal Politics. Bengal is one state where the Modi wave did not have impact in the Lok Sabha electionsDemonetization has resulted in/demonstrated pan-India aam admi support for Modi (not BJP) as was apparent with the damp response to Bharat Bandh. Mamta B is trying to forestall this popularity (by raising fears of threat to herself in common man’s mind) lest it gets encashed by BJP to increase their base in Bengal as well as for the 2019 assembly elections.
2. Protect the black money her party workers have stashed. We all have read how WB Jan Dhan accounts were flushed with money post demonetization. We also know that more that 90% TMC funding is in cash and is held by key party leaders rather than as part of some central party fund. Not only has demonetization eroded this stash, it has also eroded funding capability of small traders etc. which fund TMC in a big way (corporate funding for TMC is negligible) .With Army was conducting vehicle checks at toll the chances of her party workers getting caught in moving black money/or new notes in bulk was higher . With the hue and cry she has raised she might be forestalling any more Army exercises of such nature (whom Modi might very well employ to limit/raid her resources, the police of course is with state therefore cannot be depended on by Modi)
Venkatesh Kidambi
Venkatesh Kidambi, Owe the debt of this life to my motherland - India
Firstly Bengal is a state in the sovereign country of India. Central govt has the authority to dismiss any state government using Article 365 of the Indian constitution. And the cental government has no need to deploy the army to take control unless the state wants to saperate itself from the Indian Union and declares itself independent.
Mamata Banerjee is the most rhetorical & mad dog politician in India. She keeps barking and blaming other political parties , even for rape cases. In the current scenario she has lost all the money power that she had stashed as black money. And hence the high pitched rhetoric.
Furthermore West Bengal is the least developed and most backward state in India. My recent experience of Kolkata doesn't give me any evidence otherwise. In my opinion centre should exercise its power and dismiss the government of West Bengal on grounds of lack of performance. And initiate criminal investigation into the mafia govt nexus and multiple scams in which close aides of Mamata Banerjee have been arrested.
Kirk Anderson
Kirk Anderson, works at Economics Teacher
Its plain politics.
The army conducts such exercises once in two years to ascertain the number of load carrying vehicles that are available within a geographic location during a specific time of the year.
Such military exercises are under the supervision of the Quarter Master General. The Bengal Area had already received an NOC from the government (Central) to carry out this exercise on 28 Nov 2016. However, owing to some reasons it was scheduled to later take place on 01 Dec 2016.
This was just another routine matter that got politicised. Although I would like to mention that an Army Coup in India is very highly unlikely.
No matter, how many idiotic decisions any government takes, including this one the Indian Army will continue to remain “APOLITICAL”.
Riya Bansal
Riya Bansal, Law student|| Vipsian|| Delhite
I was reading a play of Mahesh Dattani called FINAL SOLUTION. It was based on communal riots and I wanted to quote some lines from the play.
The world is beset with many problems. These problems are created to fulfill the aspirations of some vested groups. Indian condition is not aloof from the world. Casteism, regionalism, linguism, communalism and other forms of factionalism have drawn strength from our commitment to the politics of vote rather than to the nation. The politician can stoop to any level, jeopardize national interest to any extent, if it helps them to secure votes.
In most of the cases the matter of dispute is very simple. But due to involvement of some UNSOCIAL ELEMENTS, it takes the shape of communalism and later on it is distorted and ultimate result is Communal Violence.
The propaganda, based on falsehood, has its hayday during riot. People lose not only their bodies but also their souls, nay, all that is true, beautiful and good.
These lines made me realise that the final solution is people should not pay any attention to these unsocial elements and by not bringing them to the limelight will make them think what they are doing to their own nation in the name of dirty politics.
Mamata Banerjee fumed at Centre for deploying Army at 2 toll tax points, refused to leave Secretariat.
And said, won’t leave Secretariat until army retreats across West Bengal...
Her corruption would be exposed if the army remains there. Mamta begum is worried that if army is deployed at toll plazas then she cannot transport old currency notes, stashed from Sarada & Narada Scams...
Though can't say with certainty, as none of us is privy to State secrets, I guess Modi/central Govt got a whiff of plans to disrupt new notes supplies coming from West Bengal. Or, take away bulk of new notes (from banks) to replenish old ones of Didi's gang. The paper for the currency at all the 4 printing presses is produced in Hoshingabad, and notes are also printed, inter alia, at Salboni (WB). The plans got frustrated by deployment of army who were checking all moving trucks; police under Mamta obviously couldn't be trusted.
I won't be surprised if we later discover that Momta Didi and Kejriwal Bhaiya are actually siblings who got separated at Kumbh ka mela.
a) The soldiers weren't armed. In the videos I've seen most of them wore Military Police arm bands. Military Police is from the armed force but they are NOT soldiers staging a coup without arms.
b) The Army has submitted proof that the exercise was preplanned and shared with Kolkatta police, WB police, magistrates etc. In fact the police had asked it to deferred from 27-28 November planned dates because of the 28th bandh so they can't pretend they didn't know about it.
c) Ek Kejiwal style question aata hai dimag mein. What really frightened Momta at the sight of the vehicles being checked? Why did she lock herself the whole night in her office? She's a CM and CMs don't have anything to hide do they?
That could be the real cause of frustration of Momto in turn, which all the paid media are propagating as an attempted coup? Has opposition really gone mad? Army of India will stage a coup against a State?
Mamta become paranoid and restless after demonetization. Let her remain in the office. Good for the nation. Better remove all media and mics too. Let her implode with her own anger. She and Kejru are curse to the Nation. Let's not give them any importance. Only thieves and terrorists scared of Cops or Army. She is a big thief thats why she is scared to face them. She is more comfortable with terrorists than with Army...
Army already explained that Itz a routine duty. West Bengal is bordering another country and Central Govt has responsibility to conduct exercises and make any security checks if required to safe guard nation and plan contingencies. She has no business in it and just speaking out of turn in everything will not help. She should mind her business..
Archit Acharya
Archit Acharya, I write what I believe I know
As per my limited understanding of politics and knowledge is concerned. Its all politics, it is the Mamata’s style of politics involving theatrics. Its a political move, she isn’t out of her mind nor she is delusional nor paranoid, nothing.. its just plain Politics.
It’s been her strategy ever since began the game of politics- tactics of exaggerating and personalising the argument. The question is why?
She wants to be the face of anti BJB opposition, reaching out everyone, be it Arvind Kejriwal or Sitaram Yechury(arch rival) to rally behind her in opposing the BJP govt.
This has, of course, been the way with Ms. Banerjee’s politics. In the years of Left Front rule, this is how she separated herself from older, established Congress colleagues. She, for instance, kept alive the memory of wounds sustained in a police crackdown. Once she struck out and formed her own party, she switched allegiance freely in national coalitions in the search for her big chance against the Left. It came in 2011, when Left rule ended in West Bengal; her pre-eminence in State politics was sealed in Assembly elections this year when she stared down the combined challenge of the Congress and the Left parties. Now, with the Congress still struggling to get a grip on the political narrative, and no other party able to provide the glue for opposition unity, she has seized the opportunity.
Now, Congress and major non BJP parties understand her game of trying to capture the limelight, so their actions were measured as well, they gave passive support to her, but no one apart from the novice player Kejriwal stood with her.
Kejriwal is a different species all together. He is the biggest STALKER I have ever come across, like the one sided lovers of college who keep tab on each and every movement of the girl they are interested in, Kejriwal keeps a tab on everything Modi does and he deems it as his fundamental Duty to oppose it. Tomorrow if there is fog in Delhi he will blame Modi for spraying fog in the Capital. Sigh!!
Be it anything, Kejriwal will oppose it and blame it on Modi, there are dignified ways of opposing, atleast from the position which he holds.
Source: The Hindu
Mamta Banerjee is afraid because the situation at West Bengal is so bad that anytime presidential rule may be declared citing failure of constitutional machinery ( though it's not so easy ). And then the president would deploy army to control those T.M.C. goons and this exercise might be a dress rehearsal. Actually the C.M.is suffering from this fear psychosis. Secondly, she is not doing anything for her state and keeping herself busy with any issue available specifically against centre as her ill gotten money of T.M.C. has gone down the drain.
Why mamta is doing kejriwal politics and blaming modi for everything that is happenning or NOT happenning?
Actually she is fighting for her political survival . In the last mid term election of 3 seats in WB, though her party TMC won all the seats the actual vote percentage tells a differrent story. Congress has lost deposit in all three and CPM in two. BJP has also lost deposit in one seat but in the other two seats the vote percentage of BJP has dramatically increased from 16 to 28 % in one and from 7 to 15 % in the other seat. These votes were cast a week after the demonetization. This shows a clearcut upsurge of BJP support in WB.
But what is more worrying for mamta is hidden somewhere else. The home ministry has started the exercise of identifying Bangladeshi illegal immigrants whose numbers are approx. 3 crore and majority of them ( approx 2 crore persons out of which approx 1 crore are voters) are voters in WB. If they will be disenfranchised, she will loose about a crore of popular votes all across Bengal.
To know the importance of losing 1 crore votes, it may be sufficient to say that in the last assembly election in 2016 her party secured 2.45 crore votes to win 211 out of 295 seats .
The spectre of losing those illegal 1 crore votes is forcing her to do kejriwal type antics .
I always had high regards for Bengalis as intellectuals but they would choose such a lady for CM is not understandable.
She is welcoming Bangladeshi illegal immigrants to increase her vote share.
Her complicity in Chit fund scam is well known.
She didnt take any action on riots caused during Durga Pooja, its unbelievable that some gangsters had the guts to disrupt Durga Pooja immersion that too in Kolkatta.
She has delusional thoughts like conspiracy to kill her and army coup.
God help Bengal.
This is plainly stupid.Modi doesn’t need the army to remove Mamata Banerjee,he can simply order governor’s rule if he wants.A simple data collection exercise was turned into a big issue.
Seshadri Jagannathan
Seshadri Jagannathan, works at Large E Governance
it is absolute non-sense.
They do not understand the basics of constitution ? central government does not require the intervention of Army.
It can easily invoke article 356.
This hue & cry is utter drama. she is used to do drama and trying to consolidate her vote bank.
But these guys do not understand that if they involve army in any of these vote bank tricks, they will tend to loose vote bank. As our people have very high respect for our forces.
All the more, she got herself locked in secretariat. why ? is there any lakshman rekha that army cant cross ? cant they cross over to that premises ? what non-sense it is ? whom she is trying to fool ? Our army can do surgical strikes inside pak and it cant enter that building in WB ?
Holding the hand of Arvind Kejriwal is highly infectious.
Biswas Pakhrin
Biswas Pakhrin, works at Students
She accused the eastern command Indian Army of lying and misleading people. She has forgotten that she is CM of a state and not just a political leader . so irresponsible of her .I am ashamed of calling her our state CM. Its understandable that her theatrics after demonitisation was just an attempt to project herself into the national stage as some kind of messiah but staining the army for her petty political gain is just pathetic
Perhaps, Mamata is suffering from delusions of grandeur that she is the reigning queen of a sovereign neighbouring country of India ruled by PM Modi, and he had sent his army to occupy that country of hers by dethroning her. What a state of paranoia she is in? Or is it plain stupidity?
Has she lost balance of her mind totally? Doesn’t she know that if at all Modi wants to throw her out into dust bin, all he requires to do is only an executive order, which the governor of WB will be too happy to hand over to this mad lady. No need for deployment of army ! A coup is a too serious word not applicable to a state CM. How can she forget that WB is only a state and part of India under the control of PM? Has she reached terminal stage of madness? Its nothing but mocking the intelligence of common public.
See the level of alienation and low level politics the opposition is practicing to attract attention for themselves. Even the duly notified army operations under central govt, which is vested with the power and responsibility for the security of this nation are politicised. Shame on Mamata for stooping to such lowly politics
She has already sold a large part of WB to illegal immigrants and gradually converting it to an extended home for Bangladeshis. Now she wants to see there is no interference from any to hand over the balance left out rag called WB to her vote bank base and make the remaining Hindu Indians look for avenues out side their own state a la Kashmiri Pundits.
The media shall expose this stupidity of Mamata than talk endlessly on demonetisation and the troubles some obscure individuals are facing.
Everyone knows the difficulties of demonetisation are temporary and the aim of PM is sincere. He has put his political future at great risk only for improving the financial health of this nation we all love. Let us support his efforts, for there is none in the near sight to replace the current PM to think of India and its progress.


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