Does India have any other option than BJP and Modi?

7 Answers

Kaustubh Singh
Kaustubh Singh, Just another IT Guy looking out to Read, Write and Enhance !!
Yash Bhandari
Yash Bhandari, Activist at Right to Recall Party
Does India have any other option than BJP and Modi?
Before answering that question consider the following scenario
He is Michael Schumacher , he used to be an F1 Champion. Let’s say he is still the fastest car racer on this planet. Now one day Michael decides to compete in a race but there is a catch, his cunning opponents decided to use unfair means against him and replaced the engine of Michael’s car with that of Tata Nano’s engine so externally his car looks the same but on the inside it is now having a Tata nano engine .Michael unaware of all this entered the track for the race and is cheered by his fans who seem to be in majority . Now please answer the following questions
  1. Will Michael win the race with the Tata Nano engine?

    Certainly he is going to lose. So that brings us to the second question i.e
  2. Why despite being the fastest racer in the world he lost the race?
    Despite being the fastest racer in the world he lost due to a poor engine.
    Also the majority of the crowd are Michael Fans and they are cheering for him and are still expecting him to win the race because they are unaware of the issue with the car and overlooked the fact that there is something wrong with the engine which proves that the best driver with poor engine will lose in front of a good driver with best engine.
But before presenting the alternatives let me mention the fundamental problem of our nation which is the root cause of all our national problems. The fundamental problem doesn't lie in the party or the leader but in our system. Surely it will help if the party and leader are good but parties and leaders are only a driver of the car. They will help to run it and superficially it will appear that only they are responsible for running the car(nation) but in reality there are several internal factor which are running the nation, the most important is the engine(system).
So every time we face issues with our car we simply think it’s the driver(PM/Party) and try to switch the driver every 5 years which we have been doing for the last 70 years but never cared to modify and upgrade the engine even as an experiment in the hope of best performance. So even a genuinely powerful and honest leader cannot help in making India powerful or a superpower candidate with the existing system just like Michael Schumaker couldn't win the race in the above scenario.
The definition of system is so broad that everyone uses it according to their convenience to whine about our country and her problems. But bear with me for few minutes and I will leave you with a solution , you may or may not like it but there will a solution nevertheless. There are three core systems that are the backbone of the nation.
  1. Political System (i.e our current form of democracy)
  2. Judicial System
  3. Bureaucratic System
And among the above three, Political system is the most important as it is the parent of all system because it has the amazing power of laws which at the stroke of a pen can change all the other systems like education system,healthcare system, taxation etc and even judicial and bureaucratic both positively or negatively. Because at the end nobody is above law , not even PM both literally and figuratively.
The problem with our political system is that we have the right to elect a candidate but we do not have the right to replace them before their 5 year term. What do you think will be the fate of a company whose owner or chairman can only hire it’s employees but cannot fire them till next 5 years if they are found inefficient or corrupt. That company is doomed to fail even if the CEO of that company is the best CEO in the world. Similarly in any democracy citizens are and should be the chairman of their nation who elect their CEO i.e the PM and other employees (ministers). Now if you think that they should not have the right to remove and replace their employees i.e ministers then nothing can stop them from turning inefficient and causing rampant corruption because they do not fear the public in absence of a recall procedure. Currently we have useless NOTA , where in a constituency even if the majority votes for NOTA there wont be a re-election.
So we need reforms ,more and more political reforms like direct election for PM, preferential voting etc but that’s a topic of another meeting. the problem with BJP is that they do not believe in system change and they promise for development using existing means. Congress is good for nothing, AAP believes in system change but only in rhetoric and they do not provide law drafts for their proposals so in short they are pseudo supporters of system change , for eg. Arvind Kejriwal is a pseudo supporter of Right to Recall because he has till date not yet provided the draft of RTR that he had promised in past to bring Right to Recall within 15 days of becoming CM.
Right to Recall party (currently unregistered) is an emerging party which promises to work on the engine , right now we are the only party in the country which has given solution to all national problems in the form of law drafts which anyone can read at Manifesto of Right to Recall Party. We may not have tall leaders and we might be in our infancy stage right now but very soon we will emerge as the leading alternative because our proposed system is too flexible to include everyone’s opinion and our demands are the much needed necessity for the common citizen but for that we need more volunteers and activists who share our vision. Our primary goal is to raise mass movement among the public and pressurize the existing government to print right to recall and T.C.P and once T.C.P comes we will bring our other proposed laws via T.C.P . We will contest election to publicize these law drafts and to provide a better alternative.
Regarding judiciary our plan is to reintroduce jury trials and replace it with judge system to make it more fast, efficiently just and corruption free.
We emphasize so much on system because we believe leaders and parties are temporary and system is permanent so it makes complete sense to invest our time in improving something that will stay for decades if not centuries
Btw T.C.P is like quora of Indian citizens except instead of questions and answers there will be post(both offline and online) in the form of complaints, proposals, suggestions and where every other citizen can upvote and gather a public opinion of any national,state level or district level issues , it will be non binding to PM even if any issue garner majority support, we also call it citizen’s voice.
If you are interested in knowing more about it kindly read the manifesto Manifesto of Right to Recall Party and for any further questions please feel free to message me
There is another party namely Bhartiya Rajnitik Vikalp Party which has promised to print our proposed laws in their manifesto . They are not affiliated to us but still they chose to support us . They have given TCP, RTR-MLA, RTR-CM and Jury in District drafts on their website and are promoting them among citizens. And we welcome more parties and individual candidates who can support RTR ,TCP and jury which also proves that we are not hungry for power but only for change
Adarsh Padiyar
Adarsh Padiyar, Mother and Mother Land Is Holier Than Heaven
When Gavaskar was at peak ,we all panicked what will happen once he retires .Then came Kapil Dev ,who won the 1983 world cup .
We panicked what will happen if kapil retires , then came the Golden era of Sachin .
We panicked what will happen if Sachin retires ,then MSD came and won the 2011 world cup.
We panicked what after MSD, we now have Virat
In similar lines
After 1857 first war of Indian Independence , INC was established
Later Swami Vivekananda took the baton
After Balgangadhar Tilak ,Mahatma Gandhi came
After independence Nehru and LBS came ,later Indira ,later PVN, later ABVajpai and now the incumbent Modi.
So time and again it has always been “cometh the hour ….cometh the man”
Bala Senthil Kumar
Bala Senthil Kumar, lives in Peace on Earth
Oh sure!
We have plenty of options!
We have always had the option of getting dummies, clowns, retards and dumb ducks. Those remain intact as available options. We now have the added circus of self proclaimed useless saints!
Perhaps for the first time though, we have one for true, meaningful, long term progress and development.
Jerin Mathew
Jerin Mathew, lived in India
Am sorry but I can't make out the tone or essence of the question ,am confused if you are a critic or a follower of Our ruling party and it's leaders.
But guess what my answer to both of them is the same .
Change is permanent… so if a govt comes to power and its efficient it will continue to stay in power .IF PM Modi and his party can successfully aciehev a milestone and have something worth showing at the end of the tenure ,surely they will come to power again,if we analyse from traditional times we have always had star leaders from Nehru to Indira Gandhi to rajiv Gandhi to narasimharao to vajpayeeji to mammogram sighji to Modiji….However funny fact is when they proved tthemselves they were retained,and when there was a need for a change a new Star performer came up.
Likewise MODIji isnt the last option India has There will be many more Nehru's and modis in the coming years as India has no dearth of talent and powerful leaders as our land was where the most modern treatise on administration was written ..the arthashastra…


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