What do you think about our dear PM Narendra Modi advertising for PayTm?

22 Answers

Paytm is doing what 83% of Indians polled are doing - appreciating the Prime Minister for his move.
The question appears to be doing what the other 17% are doing - either not getting it or trying to see something negative.
In this context it is worth noting.that the government officially encourages all electronic transactions, so even if he advertised for an alternative to black money, I wouldn’t see that as anything negative.
Who would you rather see making money - a totally legit Indian start up, or Dawood Ibrahim?
Shubham Bansal
Shubham Bansal, Keen observer of politics.
The emblems and names act (prevention of improper use) 1950 Act clearly prohibits the use of Govt symbols including PM’s name and face in advertising by private companies unless they have a permission from a competent authority (in this case one could assume it is PMO)
Now assuming that this is a novel step/idea/technology/usage, PMO gave permission hence the printing, but what if:
  • A builder comes up saying our projects will help “Indira Awas Yojana” or “Rurban Mission”?
  • A highway contractor comes up saying we will build highways for Better India?
  • A broadband company claims they will benefit internet users under “Digital India” so PM should advertise them? (has that already happened?)
The problem here is, the PM/any other public dignitary may as well advertise many companies but where to draw the line since whatsoever any company is doing may well be linked to a govt project/scheme?
  • By this logic will any company, complying with CSR, be eligible for adverts?
  • As one answer pointed out, since government encourages all developmental work, are all companies entitled to use emblems? (It should be noted that in 2015 a Mumbai builder was reprimanded for using PM and CM’s names)
  • A company may certainly get an edge over their competitors even when the PM hasn’t really endorsed them or even if their product may not be better!
  • What if Mobikwik/FreeCharge etc approach the PM now? Aren’t they helping India in this “so-called-benefit to Digital India/cashless transactions” (*)? Is it a first cum first serve game?
  • As most answers have pointed out that “PM isn’t endorsing, PayTM has just done clever marketing”, it should be thought about well enough that this clever marketing is going to fool a lot of people who either won’t/can’t put thoughts into it. This according to me is “unethical” and would set a wrong precedent.
After observing most of the answers, I genuinely feel that none of them sees the move’s legal/ethical implications but just thump their chests over a perceived sense of benefit to India, clever marketing, good intentions and what not. Means must justify end in public discourse.
(*) And as to cashless transactions, BIS study 2015 suggests that we have 11 cashless transactions/person/years, a cash to GDP ratio of 11% (all very low in comparison to most developed nations except those with near zero interest rates) and The cost of cash by Harvard Economist Kenneth Rogoff further shows the downsides of cash.
Everything is agreed however we seriously lack infrastructural and institutional mechanism coupled with behavioral niggles. And PayTM wallet is no solution. Even in this age while government should actively engage with private players, any sense of perceived dereliction/passing on of duty will be a disaster.
What do I think?
When the Bhakths are crying to abolish the Chinese products, the Prime Minister of India is endorsing a e-commerce company which has a Chinese company as their biggest stake holder.
Moreover, the same thing happened when Narendra Modi appeared in the advertisement for Reliance Jio. It is not illegal if they had given the consent to use his picture for an advertisement. But, endorsing a private company by the Prime minister of a country? ; basically owned by a Chinese firm; while the whole India is struggling for getting a penny for surviving a day; while the pro BJP are shouting to stop using Chinese products; Is that really something to do with Make In India?
I would say, that was really inappropriate. Not because they are against the imported goods. Just because, the common man is struggling for the last three days, and the Prime Minister of their country is appearing in ads endorsing an e-commerce company almost asking the common man to use paytm while they are standing in long queues to get their money which they have been working for an entire lifetime.
And seriously, whether these people are laughing at the common man? Expecting the people who don’t have a bank account or a debit card or a smart phone or a data connection to survive these days with Paytm?
Jackson Christie
Jackson Christie, Suffering from Quorachondria!
I think Quora users for most part are quite informed. But for safety’s sake, can anyone estimate what does a front page ad in a leading national daily, say TOI, cost? A full page ad costs around 60 lacs! 60 lacs! Most of us will not even see that much of money in one go in our lives. At least I wont…lol!
But I digress. A lot of people are saying that Paytm is simply expressing its appreciation for the demonetization move. I find that a little hard to digest. An entity, the primary motive of which is to make profit will not spend 6 million rupees in one shot, just to express its appreciation. Pecuniary motives are foremost when money like that is being spent. Making hay while the sun shines or behti Ganga mein haath dho lo (as they say in India)
Apart from this, like many other Quora users, I too have the same question. Why cant every E-Wallet use the Prime Minister’s photograph? Let Ola Money, Idea Money , Mobikwik, Oxigen and every cash less mode of transaction and e-wallet service make the Prime Minister its brand ambassador, right?
Well, a look at the legalese might be surprising. The Emblems and Names (Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1950 says this outright:
Prohibition of improper use of certain emblems and names. - Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, no person shall, except in such cases and under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Central Government use, or continue to use, for the purpose of any trade, business, calling or profession, or in the title of any patent, or in any trade mark or design, any name or emblem specified in the Schedule or, any colourable imitation thereof without the previous permission of the Central Government or of such officer of Government as may be authorized in this behalf by the Central Government.”
So did Paytm take previous permission of the government? If not, then the penalty should be swift and strict. If yes, great and so should the benefit be allowed to every other commercial entity supporting cash less transactions and the Prime Minister and the dignity of his office be reduced to those of our film stars who will promote almost anything for money. And last but not the least, we should allow some room for doubt that there may be collusion between the highest powers of the land and corporate entities!
I cant leave without this parting shot - What if Rahulbaba’s mug would have been used?
Vivek Mittal
Vivek Mittal, diverse Indian of a diverse India
You know he is not advertising Paytm and Paytm is juste congratulating him on demonetisation, but still you choose to ask such questions. If this is called advertising then he is also advertising this
and this
If you still don't get it then try to understand that any one can use a national figure's photo to congratulate him if the latter doesn't have any objection with it. Even you can use his photo and congratulate him on his success
Firstly, the quality of pic you have posted is synonymous with the quality of understanding people asking this question have.
Did our PM mentioned of Paytm even once in his address to the nation or in any of his tweet ?
Is our PM endorsing Paytm in this advertisement ?
Do you think Paytm has paid PM for using his pic in this advertisement ?
In my humble opinion, you need to read the advertisement properly and then you will be able to decide on your own.
It's just a congratulatory message and a brilliant marketing strategy. Even Anushka Sharma congratulated PM,that doesn't mean our PM is endorsing Ae Dil hae Mushkil.
“Sh. Narendra Modi thanks Paytm for contributing to the agenda of cashless economy. Pay with Paytm to more than 15 crore people and businesses. Join the revolution!”
If this is an endorsement, then the one you are questioning is not.
Vamshee Kotha
Vamshee Kotha, Political analyzer
Firstly for your kind information, this ad is produced for thanking modi ji for his small step towards ending corruption and this ad has nothing to do with modi personal interests.
And then why paytm gave such big ad
B’coz paytm is benefited slightly for few days as new currency will take certain time to come into circulation in full swing
that more people may use paytm as they have no legal tender at present for 500 and 1000 rupee notes..
Hope u understand…….
Dont feel bad for modi bcoz he is far better than the preceding p.m s like Manmohan singh who just did nothing. …..
Thanku and have a nice day
Shashikant Jha
Shashikant Jha, No political analyst, just a commoner
PayTm as a company used this situation as an opportunity to gain more customers for their e-wallet service. This is a purely business move by PayTm by using PM and his popularity to gain more customers. Now I don’t think anything is wrong in that. Politicians have used religious sentiments to gain votes in elections. Atleast this move by PayTm is neither instigating religious sentiments nor is any way bringing any negative effect to society.
 If someone uses PM’s image for promoting his product/service that is linked to some of his policies is it wrong? Now you question why PayTm used it? Well just to be clear PayTm ain’t the only company that is proving an e-wallet service. Mobikwik is another such company.
Infact if you don’t know then I’m putting it out for your information that Mobikwik is partnering with IRCTC for booking of tickets. MobiKwik didn’t put any ad because they are already set to surpass PayTm in field of e-wallet. PayTm too had to do something so as to gain some new customers. What they did is purely business move like the JIO did it.
Tell me how many people have got access to high speed internet just because JIO launched free service. Now there are some people who never focus on good changes introduced but they always focus on such things which don’t have any relevance and try it give it a negative effect like Kejriwal. That happens when you suffer from an intellectual fallacy.
Lets see how some leaders of other parties reacted to this move.
Mr. Chidambaram said its a good move but govt should ensure that no inconvenience is caused to common people. Same words were repeated by some other leaders. No words for paytm ad.
RaGa opposed the move. Well nothing better could have been expected from him. No words for paytm ad again.
Now here comes fun fact:- Except Arvind Kejriwal no other politician opposed or questioned the PayTm ad. Not even Mamta Banerjee who started a tweet series first against this decision.
The real question is why only Kejriwal opposed it? Is he the only crusader of anti-corruption movement? Or maybe he is just opposing because he can’t find anything else to oppose it? There are a lot of thinkers, writers, socialist in India who have been skeptical of Modi but none questioned the PayTm ad.
Ring a bell??
Lavish Gangwar
Lavish Gangwar, Always interested
After Lok Sabha Election of 2014; a lot of shopkeepers in Poorvanchal (Eastern UP & some districts of Bihar) started selling Modi Brand Sarees.

They printed a picture of PM Modi on the boxes of Sarees & start selling them.

Nobody asked even a single question "Why PM Modi is advertising for shopkeepers?"
A lot of tea-sellers started printing PM Modi's picture on the hoarding board of their shops.

Nobody asked even even a single question "What do you think about our dear Prime Minister Modi advertising for tea-sellers?"

But when Mr. Ambani printed PM Modi's picture on Jio sim & when Paytm showing PM Modi & congratulating him then why people are losing their minds?

Doesn't Paytm has any right on PM? Isn't Mr. Ambani an Indian? Don't they have right to print their PM's photo on their products?

It's their right. You are always think about your rights. You always conscious about your right. But... why are you cursing people when they are using their right.

When a poor tea seller can print his PM's photo on his tea stall, when a middle class shopkeeper print his PM's photo on Saree boxes then a businessman also have same right to print his PM's photo on his product.

The main reason behind all these questions is the tweet of our most loving CM Arvind Kejriwal Sir.

Due to the odd even formula, Uber got maximum profit. Did Kejriwal Sir do any deal with UberDid he silently advertising for Uber?
Nandan HN
Nandan HN, I am proud of you Mr. Narendra Modiji. Really Proud of you.
PayTm had given full page advt. With photo of Narendra Modi and praised Modiji for this bold step. What's wrong in it??Nothing. Modiji hasn’t endorsed PayTm but Paytm using photo of Modiji and his popularity for their advertisement. But has Modiji endorsed PayTm? NO!! That's matter.
Most important thing is Modiji is the Prime Minister Of India and there is not any restrictions on using photo of Prime Minister. Anybody can use Photo of Modiji and can praise him for this bold decision and along with praise anybody can do advertisement of his or her company. Then why allegations on Modiji for this advertisement? This is absolutely rubbish that Kejriwal put allegation on Modiji for this advertisement. Is there any copyright over photo of Mr. Prime Minister so that without permission anyone cannot use his photo? Absolutely NO!
Using Prime Minister's Photo for advertisement without his permission is not an endorsement for their product or services by Mr. Prime Minister.
Then do you think Paytm has taken permission from Mr. Prime Minister for that Advertisement in such a little time?? NO!! It is impossible.
Ignore AAP and Kejriwal’s allegations as they are putting allegations on all the politicians ,so many businessmen and traders and so on. But none of the allegations have proved till now. They know only one thing and that is to put allegations and when it comes to prove it with evidence then run away or apologize for it.
One more thing , if Modiji promoting Paytm then what about Kejriwal who had promoted Airtel ??
Look, Kejriwal directly promoting Airtel not even indirectly.
Prashanth Gopalan
Prashanth Gopalan, Modi has the potential to be India's Bismarck.
Modi isn’t advertising for Paytm. Paytm is using Modi’s face on one of its ads. There is a gulf of a difference between these two things.
I don’t think this is a sincere question.
Seriously are you (author of the question) educated well enough to use Quora ?
I don't think so.
I am sorry if you are blind.
The below pictures of Shahrukh Khan advertising for Frooti and Cinthol.
And the below picture is of Paytm advertisement on a newspaper.
Any primary school kid can identify the difference between the above 2 pictures of Shahrukh Khan and the picture of Paytm congratulatory message.
So I feel I need to answer the difference as the author of the question and some authors of the answers written below are probably uneducated or may be blind.
In the above 2 pictures Shahrukh Khan is seen holding the Frooti bottle and the Cinthol soap where as the below picture clearly shows Narendra Modi without any Paytm related thing on his dress or hands etc.
I haven't seen Narendra Modi in any of his rallies addressing the people only to use Paytm. I used FreeCharge and some other wallets, they aren't banned. You are free to use any wallets.
For your reference check your own picture posted in the question. It is given that Paytm congratulates Narendra Modi for his demonetization. I don't see Narendra Modi endorsing or advertising for Paytm here.
I personally feel Narendra Modi should leave fighting corruption, black money and need to concentrate on improvement of medical facilities in India. I see many people from Pakistan come to India and get themselves checked up here, but our own people (like the author of this question) are not able to get themselves checked in any government hospitals for their complete blindness. If the author of this question isn't blind then I feel Narendra Modi should concentrate on providing education for all the people or else they end up asking questions like this.
I feel I have answered the question with the best of my knowledge.
Aashish Kumar Dimri
Aashish Kumar Dimri, Studies Narendra Modi, who leads the largest democracy
  • PayTM has misused Prime minister’s pic and this is a serious offence as Indians are really going through tough financial times.
  • It is illegal to use such pics known as surrogate advertising for commercial use. Undoubtedly, it is sending a wrong signal to all.
  • Last, PMO not PayTM has taken a decision related to demonetisation and thus all promotion of e banking or plastic money must come from it.
Alwayzz Akhil
Alwayzz Akhil, works at Students
Actually Modi didn't advertise for The brand PAYTM
PAYTM is actually thanking modi for the ban of 500 and 1000 rupees which leads to minimisation of corruption and development of nation and removal of black money
Dinesh Binjola
Dinesh Binjola, worked at Northeast India
PayTM has cleverly used the image / photo of PM, Mr Narendra Modi ji, in order to invite public attention to itself and to its business, since it happens to be in a kind of service / activity that stands to gain from the policy initiative of the Govt of India.
This is almost like Reliance Jio had done sometime back - praising their own venture by linking it to the Digital India Campaign of the Govt of India, as it suited Jio.
Despite sharp comments by some of the political opponents of the Govt & Modi ji, it is evident that Modi ji is not acting as brand ambassador of any of these companies.
Let us take an imaginary / hypothetical situation : If Sulabh (of Sauchalaya fame) uses the image of PM in its adverts - citing Swachch Bharat Abhiyan, we would not accuse Modi ji of being the brand ambassador or model of Sulabh Sauchalaya.
A model or brand ambassador does it as a professional under a contract, for definite time period, and the service is rendered for a fee, but no one can blame Modi ji of having entered in to any such contract with the companies like Jio and PayTm.
Also, there is hardly anything amiss in both the above cited adverts, which could be seen as an insult or affront to the office of PM, to Govt of India, or to its’ policy.
As may be seen from the advert released by PayTm, it is essentially congratulating the PM for having initiated a bold policy action in the financial history of India. The Govt can not go after a company that is praising and congratulating it for its policy.
In essence, these adverts are just like the acts of some political opponents of PM who keep talking against Mr Modi to remain in media focus, to be in the news and thus to stay in public view hoping that people will also like them just as they like Mr Modi.
The basic difference being that while the opponents criticise Mr Modi unreasonably but the adverts are praising and congratulating him and his Govt for good work.
It looks shameful that the political opponents of Modi ji themselves have done so precarious little, and have nothing worthwhile to talk about, and the only means for them to stay in the news seems to be keep attacking Mr Modi regularly, mostly for no valid reason. It matters little to them whether they are talking sense or otherwise.
Friends, please keep watching and soon you might find more and more of such praise and congratulatory adverts in the media because Mr Modi is gradually going to grow popular and may even surpass the popularity enjoyed by film stars and cricketers.
Folks, it may be seen that an adroit leader that Mr Modi is, he will be able to easily persuade people to go along with his ideas, and others will keep talking of him - only with a view to shine in his shadows. But a Star is a Star and shadows are shadows.
Edit 1 : Thanks to Mr Joshi for his comments. I may not agree with your views but I respect your right to voice your opinion. Please consider that though we have no means to know if PayTm and Jio obtained permission of PMO before releasing the adverts, but it does not seem necessary to obtain such permission where the companies are praising or rather extolling the Govt’s policy.
Even if it is hypothetically assumed that they did seek permission from the PMO (again, let us keep in mind that no such information is available in the media), then perhaps the Govt would not have any valid reason to turn them down.
Bharat Shrma ji, thanks for informing that PM’s photo can be used only with PMO’s approval. I was not aware of this. However, please consider the fact that today PM Modi is already riding a huge popularity wave and he hardly needs the endorsement of a small ‘startup’ tech cum finance company like PayTm to promote himself.
Edit 2 : Thanks to Shashikant ji for his supportive comments. However, I feel that we should not overly criticise the politicians as they represent the people and should always have the liberty to voice their opinion on any subject of public interest.
The crisp response of PayTm CEO to a tweet by Mr Arvind Kejriwal on this issue is in circulation which reads like this, “Dear Sir, The biggest beneficiary is our country. We are just a tech startup, trying to solve financial inclusion and make India proud,”
However, I find merit in the statement of Mr Arvind Kejriwal says this, “The government has said those who deposit their black money will have to pay tax and face a 200% penalty. That means 90 percent of the amount will be lost. Which holder of black money is going to make such a deposit? The government is indirectly trying to tell black money holders not to deposit their money,"
Mr Arvind Kejriwal may not be entirely wrong when he attacks the weakness seen in implementation of currency demonetisation plan. He seems right in saying that the government has gone ahead with the plan knowing fully well that the ATMs presently used are not configured to dispense the new Rs 2000 notes.
At the same time, no one can agree with Arvind Kejriwal when he demands rollback of the decision to demonetise the high value currency notes. It is not correct to say that the economy will collapse if this decision was not withdrawn.
One would like to know the basis when Mr Kejriwal says that demonetisation will not bring black money into the banking system but will only result in it changing hands. Further, Mr Kejriwal is known for making wild allegations and he would never be able to prove his charge that those close to BJP were aware of this move and have taken care of their black money before the announcement.
Let us imagine a scenario where Arvind Kejriwal has resigned as CM of Delhi and he gets elected to Rajya Sabha. Thus, he gets ample opportunities to lock horns with PM Mr Narendra Modi. Their debate in Rajya Sabha - if it ever happens - would be so interesting to watch.
Actually, supporters of Arvind Kejriwal still expect wonders from him but he has stubbornly refused to mend his ways. Perhaps, no one has told him (or may be he does not listen ) that only those govts, parties, leaders, are given a second chance by people who have something to show by way of real performance and achievements.
The bad quality of others can not be your good quality. Like wise, abusing other parties and leaders is not your performance and achievement.
First time vote for AAP and BJP was not actually in their favour but it was essentially against the bad performers. The politicians should not try to fool the people.
As the results of 2014 Lok Sabha elections, and the AAP victory itself have proved, people have a unique way of punishing the poor or bad performers.
People have shown their maturity time and again and no one can fool the voters.
Look at Brexit in UK and the latest US Presidential elections, where the most unexpected results came out despite all the hype by media and opinion makers.
I wish Mr Arvind Kejriwal and AAP do not learn it the hard way, like Congress.
BJP too would have to remain extremely cautious and well grounded since one single bad move, something not liked by masses, may turn out to be disastrous.
No he didn't advertised the paytm
actually paytm made advertising with his pic when 8th Nov when pm announced the demonetization . So paytm come up with advertising advicing people to manage their transaction with their app
For the sake of higher publiciting and making trust in people for safe transaction they used prime minister pictures
Remind you it's prohibited to use pm or any other VIP pictures in any advertismemt or campaig without permission
Jio did the same and fined 500rs
And probably paytm too fined
So please if you don't know full news don't go on any conclusion
Also advise you that follow or trust only official news ( such as Twitter ) social media like Facebook aren't usually trusted cause anyone can creat a page and post anything they' like hope you understand !!
Can you read and understand english?
The advertisement clearly says that the company is congratulating our PM for taking such a bold step. Why do you have to twist it show that the PM has advertised for it?
Do you see any Government of India stamp there? or any statements from our PM??
I don’t know if you people are plain stupid or just hate good things happening to our country.
No offence intended.
Vinod Tyagi
Vinod Tyagi, Avid observer of Indian politics
Short answer: appearing of a PM, CM or minister in a photo does not tantamount to advertising that product.
It is very common that private companies use photographs of public figures when they work on some initiave introduced by such personality. UP CM’s photo is often used by builders building homes under Samajwadi Awas Yojana however the project has nothing to do with Akhilesh Yadav.
Vivek Dantkale
Vivek Dantkale, Learned the parent of political science. It is Comparative Politics!
This is what paytm has claimed. If this claim is false, then PM has Right to Raise objections or to ignore it being a trivial issue that anti-nationals are trying to rake-up. There is NO conflict of interest in this reguards.
I feel that paytm has actually endorsed itself as well as the Government’s move to ban 1000 & 500 Rupees Notes. So it's a case of symbiosis.
If paytm is honest then paytm should donate an amount equal to what they would have paid to some star for such an endorsement. This amount may go into PM’s relief fund.
Dharak Shah
Dharak Shah, works at Larsen & Toubro Infotech
Per hapes the person who has asked the question has mental level of Rahul Gandhi Or Arvind Kejriwal..Even Vijay Shekhar CEO of Paytm has clarified it in response to the tweet of Yug Purush Mahamahim Shri Shri Arvind Kachrawal today.

Credit:- Quora


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