What do you think of Kejriwal's latest statement that Modi may try to get him killed?

84 Answers

Deepak Mehta
Deepak Mehta, maintains a blog on Indian politics at ndagovernmentwatchdog.quora.com/
It saddens me to no end.
A year back or so, I was in awe of this person. A “common man”, who gave up a lucrative job to fight the entrenched corruption in the country.
However, over time, he has conclusively proved that behind all his “selfless” actions lies grand political ambitions.
His incessant personal attacks on the PM of the world’s largest democracy, without a single iota of proof, the type of uncouth language he employs while addressing his political rivals, and the way he desperately tries to stay relevant, is nothing but a continuation of what we have seen for decades from the likes of Laloo, Mayawati, Mulayam Singh, Bal Thakrey, Mamta Bannerjee etc.
Calling the PM of the nation “a coward and a psychopath” is not a joke. Accusing him of plotting to murder you isn’t one either.

I have always maintained that in cases where it is proven that the plaintiff intended libel, malice, or plain discomfort to the accused, they should be dealt the same sentence that the accused would have had the charges been proven.
This viewpoint of mine primarily applies to false rape cases and cases of false domestic abuse.
The same should also apply to cases of libel where it is proven beyond doubt that the plaintiff had no reason to believe their claims, and their only intention was to hurt the public reputation of the accused.

I think that the BJP thinktank should press charges against Arvind Kejriwal. Such pathetic, churlish behavior cannot be condoned or ignored. This is not how one would expect a CM to behave.
Grow up Mr Kejriwal. It’s been 500 years since Copernicus proved that the earth is not the center of the universe, let alone you.
Rohit Nigam
Rohit Nigam, Seeking Democracy 2.0
Saw his press conference, I enjoyed upto 9 minutes out of 9:48! The reason, he is someone who markets himself, tries to gain sympathy & attacks opposition all in tandem, come what may! Innovates different ways- whether Talk to AK OR this press conference OR comments about Gujarat.
Everyone knows that things are bad for AAP- with many MLA’s in radar. But most of the cases are on account of his foolishness. Wasn’t Bhagwant Mann act a foolishness and then again counter attacking. His 21 MLA’s are disqualified because they were trying to act smart by retrospective amendment.
Key messages he was trying to convey to the listeners (although I don’t agree with even a single point):
  • Modi not performing well. Everyone upset- Farmers, Dalits, Students, Traders, Jewellers etc
  • AAP performing very well in Delhi, and hence Modi is furious
  • Modi is afraid of AAP’s popularity in Punjab, Gujarat & Goa
  • Modi’s foreign policy failed- Pakistan and Nepal
  • We are ready to go to jail
But last 48 seconds, I was furious. How dare he tells the listeners that Modi can murder everyone? This is disgusting. This is shame and a big time brainwash of the listeners. I believe for this act, he should be arrested for life time to break the harmony of this country! BJP must act now. He is trying his best to invoke a reaction from Modi and gain popularity. Give him that- big time!
I don’t care if my answer is downvoted, but this is a shame in this country.
From hereon, I expect an open fight from BJP & Kejriwal being jailed soon. Two possibilities in future- either AAP party will finish soon or Kejriwal will be made a bigger hero by the people he is brainwashing now. Let’s see!
OK, So now, this answer has very poor formatting that significantly distracts from readability & hence collapsed :-)
Maulik BV
Maulik BV, a techie, a doc, a writer, an enthusiast, a learner, a father, a human!
Interviewer: Dude, Why do you sound so mad all the time ?
AK: Excuse me, whatever do you mean ?
: As in, each day , there’s something or the other wrong happening with you. That’s not possible is it ?
AK: But, IT IS ! Modi’s at fault, he’s trying to do us in! He’s might even get me killed if it were possible
I: Bah. And he isn’t trying to do Nitish Kumar in ?
AK: I don’t know, I only know what’s happening with me.
I: But why man ? Why would you each day, criticize someone ?
AK: What do I do ?
I: Well, why don’t you work ‘within the system’
AK: Okay. How do I do that ?
I: Well, build a good relationship with the BJP?
AK: WIth the Punjab elections, round the corner ? Really sounds doubtful.
I: Arre, but, par try to karo ?
AK: I don’t think I can anymore. It’s difficult to work against a party in the centre with power even in Delhi, while I get questioned over things going wrong in Delhi.
I: That is because you don’t work !
AK: Alright. Do you genuinely believe I don’t work ?
I: No, you only do Dharna.
AK: Sure I do. But I think its Dharna AND a lot of work that we do. Plus the judgements are weird.
I: Wait, what ? judgement ?
AK: Yup. our MP Bhagwant Mann got suspended.
I: So, he deserved to. What’s judgement here?
AK: While elected officials like Sakshi Maharaj are given free reign. Why wouldn’t you fire a Rapist/corrupt representative ?
I: Wait ! But you are the one who promised “The changed government”. BJP will take time to evolve. !
AK: Agreed. And maybe, he should be kept suspended. But given the Punjab election being around, do you not think there could be a move to affect our workings ? Not even slightly ? Specially since we are the new kid on the block?
I: Hey now, don’t cry foul ! You keep crying fowl.
AK: I know, that’s wrong. But what do I do , if my party men are being targeted ?How do I work ?
I: How do other parties work man ? Waisa karo.
AK: Other parties ? ALright, sure, which other party is publicly funded, or has each of their manifesto points scrutinized so strongly ? also, are you sure, BJP will be more loyal to you, than the ones who funded their advertisement campaign ?
I: Don’t digress now mate. Modi is doing a fantastic job.
AK: Bah. ! ALright, so what do I do ? DO I keep mum ? How do I work within the system ? How do I convince the people that have created a messiah out of Modi ? Or his die hard fans who call my schizophrenic for not being polite in my communications ?
I: Well, accept that he is better than you !
AK: And believe that my party is not being targetted by anyone ? That in the entire country of India, my party men are the only bad folks ? That there isn’t even a remote possibility of this being Politically inspired ?
I : So what ? Is abusing someone the way ? This is simply how politics works !
AK: EXACTLY ! This is how politics works, this is what I WANT to change. If my only sin in doing this that I come across as a Dramebaaz , I am all for it.
I: Change it ? How ? By blaming others for your faults ?
AK: When need be, yes. There are corrupt ministers, ministers who have murdered, who have raped, who have continued to carry out heinous crimes. Parties who have corporate media house connections, parties with crores of undeclared funds. I may be wrong, and may need rectifications, but why aren’t people concerned with all of them ? Why don’t they matter, why don’t we judge the BJP/Congress,the Lalu Prasad Yadavs! Maybe someone should show interest in the Rajasthan BJP government ? Do you even know what there manifesto is about ? THey came in power at the same-
I: AH! WAIT ! Lalu Prasad Yadav ? You mean the guy who you went around hugging ?
AK: Bah. I can never win this. *kills himself and blames Modi for it*
Arvind Kejriwal has a lot of wrongs. As someone who has been following him from the very start, I can attest to that.
You know who also has a lot of wrongs ? Modi. And you. And me.
Creating White and Black politicians has never helped us, nor will it ever. Everything wrong with this country isn’t due to Modi, nor is everything good in this country because of him.
The same goes for Arvind Kejriwal. He isn’t the worst of all the CMs by a long margin. Sure, judge him. Blame him. But then, know that you ought to blame the BJP, the Congress too.
I believe he still stands for the change with which he began. Maybe somewhere along the way, he will learn the art of speaking/tweeting correctly. But I still believe that at the end of it all, he is genuine guy, fighting as the underdog, in a battle , where the winner is decided by how well the PR team does.
So, what do I think about his statement ?
It’s sad, and I hope he comes to a situation where such words aren’t needed anymore. But in the wide world of political misdemeanour he and AAP are still way behind the misgivings of other political parties.
Ronak Pol
Ronak Pol, Founder EconPolitics Blog
Please Note: All the views in the article have stemmed from a politically unbiased stance and that I do not hold a soft corner for either parties.
Being the chief minister it is essential to have diplomatically stable relations with the center. Even if you do not agree with them at an ideological level, there should be a sense of mutual respect.
Personal remarks and childish allegations will help no one. They won't help resolve issues between AAP and BJP or help in progress of our nation. Eventual goal of any political party should be to have a healthy democratic discussion to resolve ones differences and find a common ground to work together.
Both BJP and AAP are well intentioned political institutions. Both have betterment of India as part of their manifesto, it is crucial they remember that and try and have an offline conversation that goes beyond the politics.
And for issues regarding AAP being targeted from all sides and not being allowed to function properly in Delhi, Mr.Kejriwal needs to understand that this is politics and power play. Just because u are trying to do the right thing does not mean others will stay clear of you, they will rather target you. Remember that and keep working.
In the end results will be counted and not petty complains about how they did not let you perform.
Tarak Goradia
Tarak Goradia, we deserve better!
It is important to listen to the entire statement by Arvind Kejriwal of 27 july addressed to AAPians and the common men and women of India to understand the context of this question.
1. Various police agencies coming directly under the Modi govt have been arresting AAP ML As on frivolous or fake charges. At the time of this writing, 12 have been arrested. Journalists around the country are expressing shock at this unprecedented move by the Modi government. E.g. see the below tweet by an ultimate Modi fan journalist.
2. In Gujarat, one of Modi’s ministers, Haren Pandya, who did not agree with Modi’s methods, was murdered. On 26 March 2003, Pandya was killed by two unidentified assailants who shot five bullets at him when he had just finished his morning walk in the Law Gardens in Ahmedabad. His father’s statement put the blame squarely on the Modi-Shah pair for ordering the killing.
3. Modi/BJP have been looking to establish the saffron empire in India for at least 15 years. Congress is crumbling down and their namesake leader Rahul Gandhi has not much to to speak for. The rise of AAP, Arvind Kejriwal, and more importantly, the common man, re-defining the rules of established Indian politics is a major obstacle in their plan. Besides the rising popularity of the Delhi model of governance, Kejriwal is seen by many as the only leader who can take on the political might of Modi-Shah-Jaitley triad. If Kejriwal disappears one way or the other, Modi/BJP can execute their plan without hindrances.
4. AAP MLAs do not seem to give in to the standard tactics of the lure of money or fear of police arrest and imprisonment.

With the above background, Kejriwal’s statement that Modi could get AAP leaders or Kejriwal himself killed serves many purposes, as enumerated below.
  • Pre-emptive: Not having major personal security forces, Kejriwal is accessible to likes of Nathuram Godse. However, such an assailant will not commit such a crime if the blame for it will come on his master and it could backfire on the very purpose of the killing.
  • Spread awareness about Modi’s attempts to torture AAP and Delhiites among all Modi supporters.
    Looking at various view/comments/voting on the youtube video, as well as comments on this question, it is clear that a large number of Modi supporters saw the video. Also, most news media around the country have picked up the issue.
    This has brought back memories of Modi’s CM rule in Gujarat and associated atrocities.
  • Prepare AAPians for the sacrifices expected in the modern Mahabharata war that is about to be unleashed. The benefits of the Delhi Model in Education, Health, Transportation, Water/Electricity, Public Participation, etc. are now well understood, and it would be great to use all available resources to spread this model across India.
From the reactions in the past several hours, it is clear that the last two purpose have been served well. Only time will tell whether or not it will serve as a pre-emptive deterrent!
Shishir Pathak
Shishir Pathak, with AAP since Anna Movement!
I feel bad that he has to come out all the way and mention that as a possibility!
I don’t think that is going to happen though, it was mostly an ‘unjustified’ emotional vent out.
I do think Center has been really uncooperative with AAP Government and many of the recent arrests were unjust.
Think about it like this way, you are CEO of a company and all your employees are getting harassed, threatened and intimidated consistently for delivering what they are supposed to, by a bigger fish which is 10X bigger and controls you in many ways. Your projects get stalled or many are completely written off due to this.
How would you reply to your investors?
I do think AAP Government has been sincerely delivering in Delhi and is looking forward to deliver much more in coming years, all it needs, is some authority and autonomy in execution.
Chinmaya Nanda
Chinmaya Nanda, An engineer on paper
My view on his statement is Just ignore him. I repeat Just ignore him. See the below pictures to know how he changed in these years
Year 2014 One man army.
Year 2015 A child of 40 years, honest,truthful, but don’t know how to behave in a situation. Always create problems.
Year 2016 A twitter celebrity, abuse every time, will say anything, gone mad.
Image source- Google
Jitendra Soni
Jitendra Soni, I supported Modi from last 12 years to be Indian PM
Motive: Modi has all reasons to be insecure from AAP. Multiple tight slaps by court, exposing lies by CAG, deteriorating relationship with Army, back stab by international (allegedly) friend countries, internal security deteriorating condition (pathankot, kashmir) and this law & order failure in wake of Dalit-beef-kairan-malda-srinagar. Each passing day is hurting Modi-ji's prospect in next election. With Congress support base limiting and AAP is the only party gaining national momentum (Breaking fresh ground: Other than BJP, AAP is the only growing political force in contemporary India ), it is an easy guess whos gonna dilute BJP future electoral chances.
Encouragement : Modi's PR agencies have sufficient info on fact that people either form opinion on headlines rather than fact or follow preset belief based on their existing choices supported by cast politics. Despite of 'Never before humiliation in Indian democracy history' people are doubting victims word that culprits action? doesn't it says people are not rational enough see political vendetta? 14 MLA in jail with so solid case, 1 MP expelled with not so serious charge, 2 volunteer in jail just on complain with no solid evidence. All, yes all, IAS officers from CM office are moved out from work. Delhi lacks 19 officers while other union territories has much more IAS as additional. ACB snatched, assembly hijacked by stopping bills, police confronting state govt like rivals. And here people criticising AK for speaking truth? This gives all courage to Modi that is needed to be ruthless on opponents. Just see what Modi's vendetta did in 1 day (today)
1.AAP MLA Kartar Singh Tanwar's house raided by Income Tax Dept.
2.AAP Minister Satyendra Jain accused of misbehaviour.
3.BJP MLA in Gujarat who met Arvind Kejriwal during his Rajkot visit , booked in Gujarat for alleged threatening to a builder .
4.AAP MLA Sharad Chauhan arrested
5.Delhi Assembly Deputy Speaker and AAP MLA Rakhi Bidlan summoned by police.
History: He already has history with Haren Pandya, stalking a lady while in power. Remember how Headly denied identifing Ishrat jahan, while govt claimed Headly statement to nation? Do you know count of suspicious death in vyapam scam (not under Modi's govt, but EoD it's BJP in MP & who owns investigation now)? And than Gujrat riot should be conclusive enough to guess how far Modi can go. This is high time people come against this Fascism face of govt, if we do not want to be another pakistan-in-making.
- Wanted to avoid anwsering after stiff day, but that could have resulted in many reareader getting one sided answer. So let me put it quickly till someone comes with more detail from AAPs viewpoint
Rupesh Shetty
Rupesh Shetty, aam aadmi party
Before answering the question would like to question those who are criticising kejriwal how many of them care for democracy or Constitution, if they do then have they spoken on hypocrisy and biasness by centre in dealing with non -BJP states if they justify so many actions against AAP MLA and others right then why no similar treatment in vyapam, CAG reports, DDCA scam, GUJ Cag reports etc why no arrests in them of politicians? We have not elected a king who will safeguard his party men's and target others, if MLA of AAP is arrested on drop of hat FIR your justification can be understood if similar done in all such instances in other states too.
Now coming to Arvind statement he has addressed his MLA, Supporters and party workers to be ready for even worse vendetta from centre and in this fight even lives at risk as AAP is against whole system of corruption , propaganda which many answering this question have bought in to,the kind of vendetta that has been unleashed against AAP means now BJP is ready for any eventuality to finish off AAP which it is unable to fight politically and trying to put hindrances in its work hasn't yielded much politically.
Arvind bashing won't change fact Cong/-BJP has always been two side of same coin only AAP is perturbing them as it's irritating their cozy club of corruption sponsored working style.
If one is not able to look at kind of work AAP government has put in Delhi bringing desired change can't say what is they looking for, you all may call whatever Arvind will keep on giving such statements as it's not an unlikely scenario though hope it should never happen in a democracy.
Neil Shukla
Neil Shukla, Prime Minister's Chair will never be a Whiner's Seat!
This will be an acerbic one.
There is a saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned which means - No one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love. This line first appeared in the play The Mourning Bride, by William Congreve - an English author of the late seventeenth century.
To me, it seems too sexist. Why blame only women? Even man can be like that (numerous cases of acid attack/murders/rapes on girls proves that).
Instead the proverb should be, “Hell hath no fury like a Lover Scorned.” That way it will cover both the genders.
Now coming to the Question.
Off late, AK seems to be acting like a Lover Scorned from the above proverb.
His daily attacks via twitter and other platforms on the PM of India seem to suggest that he has a thing for NaMo. Like a misguided suitor, he is trying, in fact already tried, all the tricks in his bag (and some borrowed from various sources) to grab the attention of the Man of his interest. But Alas! On each such occasion, he meets with a silence so Stony that he ends up banging against it thereby hurting his inflated pride and ultimately himself.
His latest statement of NaMo conspiring to get him killed is akin to the Mother of Desperation Gone Berserk! This one is his last-ditch effort to get NaMo to recognize him and utter something in defence. Once NaMo does that, his pumped up, larger than life Ego will have an orgasmic release of the kind he never experienced before. It will finally justify his existence, but it will not stop him. Like an addict, he will crave for more and more such experiences.
I used to be aghast at the quality of attacks and mudslinging he was involved in as CM of Delhi, against the PM of India. But now I am confused about whether I should laugh or be furious with the lowest possible level of petty politics being incorporated by the person who claims to be the Cleanest of All, Bravest of All.
During his recent visit to Gujarat, this courageous man went to meet the person, Kanti Mulji Vala, accused of killing a Police Head Constable, Pankaj Amreliya. Why?
Because the accused is a Dalit!
Did he go to meet the family members of the Policeman? Well, when cornered about it by the media he evaded by saying that he will try to meet the family of the deceased. He never did.
Brave Man, isn’t it?!
This man is furious that 10 of his MLA’s have been accused in different cases like - conspiring and abetting Hindu-Muslim riots by hiring a person to tear pages from the Holy Quran and throw them near a drain AAP MLA booked after ‘mastermind’ names him in ‘torn Quran’ case; harassing a women who went to the AAP MLA with some problem; tax evasion and others. He is also furious that 21 of his MLA’s have been accused of occupying Office of profit in Delhi assembly.
Recently, an AAP worker, Soni, committed suicide due to constant harassment by another AAP worker from Delhi’s Narela, Ramesh Bharadwaj. She had been reported as telling a news channel that when she went to AK with her complaint, AK told her, “Compromise Kar lo” (asked her to compromise).
This opportunist is evading questions regarding his party member and Punjab MP, Bhagwant Mann who recorded a 12-minute video describing all the security check points one encounters on his way inside the Parliament and uploaded the same on social media sites. Indeed, some way to make a strong nation!
Clean Politics, Women Safety, people working for the country ehh?!

I am dreading the day when this man gets so overcome by his frustration that he actually tries to attack NaMo on coming face-to-face and ultimately gets man handled by the PM’s security personnel. At which time he shouts – “See, that’s what I was telling all this while. NaMo is trying to get me killed and he is using his SPG security for it. Sab Miley hue hain Ji! (All of them are together in this).”
“Indian Army, SPG, NSG all of them are with Modi Ji. They are conspiring to kill me, and that is why NaMo’s policy with Pakistan and China has failed. You see the Indian Army is too busy concocting plans to eliminate me than counter the attacks by Pakistan-sponsored terrorists or incursions by China’s Army.”
This man needs to be checked for bi-polar disorder at once. Day by day, his condition is worsening.
Eternal Sunshine of the Hopeless Mind!
Some future tweets from AK could be on these lines –
“Modi Ji is buying Rafale aircrafts to bombard my residence.”
“Modi Ji is putting tremendous effort in putting up Solar Power Projects in India so that he can rob me of my Sunshine.”
“Modi Ji is not making any great speeches, while visiting other countries, for which he is getting so much appreciation and standing ovations. He is actually making fun of me in those addresses, cracking jokes on me. They all are jealous of me and my good work.”
“Modi Ji has launched Skill India to point out the fact that I have no Skill, whatsoever, of any kind.”
“Modi Ji has launched Stand Up India to prove that I cannot Stand Up for anything other than illogical accusations. It’s his big plan to malign my reputation.”
“Modi Ji’s Clean India Mission is a farce. Since, last few weeks my left ear is clogged with wax. I have trouble hearing from that side. What has Modi Ji or his Clean India Mission done for it?”
Keep looking for tweets and statements on these lines and much worse but without losing your humour ;-P
Shubham Agrawal
Shubham Agrawal, studied at Delhi Public School, Bhilai
What do you think of Modi’s statement that Congress may try to get him killed?
Doesn’t it saddens you.
If it was possible to kill Narendra Modi isn’t it possible to kill Arvind Kejriwal now. Even Narendra Modi said that congress could use CBI to enquire and put false rumours about him.
With so many false allegations on there MLAs and delhi police behaviour towards AAP MLAs it seems possible to me.
Kejriwal has once again showed us how a leader of a rising political party should not react. Out of the 9:48 minutes video he just targeted Modi as if he has a personal vendetta against him.
Now I don’t know who are those guys who provide Mr. Kejriwal inputs from the inside of the PMO and as if they exist or not. This guy have inside sources as he claim and is being singled out in attacks.Take the case of AAP MLAs. Almost all the cases were filed by the general public against these leaders.
AAP leaders and their supporters seriously doubt the rationale of the common man and think by blaming Modi for each and every complaint against them would get public sympathy and they would be able to garner media attention . Someone needs to get this guy some help and you can also get media attention by working for the people and the development would be more than enough to popularize you but who cares. It is much more easier to put blame on others other than doing your work.
Now he (yugpurush) comes with another drama as he released a video on social media with the caption “My message for AAP volunteers and common man of India”. In the video, which is a reaction to the recent controversies AAP has been surrounded with, Kejriwal even said that MODI is so frustrated that he can even get him killed.
Hats off to the guy ,in such a short span of time of his political career an despite being well educated he has managed to overthrow Rahul Baba from the throne of stupidity.
This is utter desperation and I feel it is so disgusting that a popular leader could stoop to such low level politics. He only want Modi to respond to his gimmicks and take him seriously.
Someone needs to give this guy urgent mental treatment or he would blow his brains off just by overthinking. This guy has totally lost it. My sympathies are with him.
Why congress ruled the nation?
1. Divide n rule - they never wanted to get people think beyond there caste, religion, language and come together.
2. Keep people poor and uneducated - They never wanted people to get educated. They started giving free food, electricity and other such things so that poor will stay poor and they will lose courage to fight for better life.
What makes them lose is technology like mobiles,tv ect and education. Because of which people became more aware about the scams and what was exactly happening in the nation. They started thinking beyond the scope.
Now Kejriwal very well know what kept congress in rule for 6 decades and what made such big party lose so miserably. He is using both the tools to get into rule. He is trying to divide the nation on the basis of caste and religion. It can be seen very well from cases like Rohith Vemula, JNU and recent dalit case in Gujarat. He is providing free water, electricity to gain the vote bank and support. On the other hand he is using technology to spread messages like how AAP is best party or how Modi is failure. Worst of all what he spoke today that modi may kill him etc. What a low level politics a man can play.
But I am sure that people has started taking him as a joke. He has surpassed even Rahul in the race. He has proved it many times and I am sure will continue to do so. He who can not even stand on his own words even for few days, is reaching number of people using the technology but people of this country are not fools. they know what modi is doing on foreign trips, how power ministry is on a way to make every village electrified, How defence ministry is negotiating and saving nation's money, how fast highways are getting developed, Sagarmala , FDI, ease of doing business, startup India stand up India and how sir Modi is not wasting time in blaming others even responding to them. The more Kejriwal showcases the more he lose.
Jai Hind!
Tushar Bhardwaj
Tushar Bhardwaj, He may not be good with words, but clear with his intentions
If you sat through the whole video you would understand that he was under a lot of emotional backfire, and people do say things unintentionally when they are not in the best of spirits. I think what he said was weong, but i do not blame him for saying it. The man has been going through a lot. Fake cases against leaders, centre snatching power, and bjp leaders sitting outside his house day and night with a loudspeaker in their hand. He was just warning his party workers to get ready for anything that comes to them and just in the lapse of time he said, even i can get killed, so be absolutely sure before staying in the party. The center needs to learn ethics, this is not how a democracy works. We have known kejriwal for making blant statements now and then, which only hapeen when he is going through a lot of stress. Over the last weekend two mla getting arrested one for molestation and the other for the quran thing, you know. Even the dcw cheif, swati who i have been following since the formation of aap has got an fir against her, that made me furious too. And now, income tax raid on another mla, too much, dont you think?
Krishna Pandey
Krishna Pandey, Lived in 7 Indian states
He might be trying to defame our PM or he might be frustrated because his MLAs are being thrown in jail on false accusations or he might actually get killed. Maybe his constant mockery of Modi is preventing our ears from listening to the seriousness of the statement. This is politics, being thrown in jail and getting killed isn’t new or impossible. AAP isn’t as big as BJP or Congress in size or resources. Yet according to the current opinion polls AAP will have a landslide victory in Goa and Punjab unless arrest of its MLAs succeeds in distracting the leaders.
What actually matters to BJP is UP elections which will decide 2019. But if AAP gets Goa & Punjab, the party will rise and this will haunt BJP for years to come. This makes the MLA arrest scheme of center a necessity for BJP.
I’ll tell a story for the 90s kid and also 80s kid, who never care to learn the history of politics which surrounds them because it will only make them aware citizens rather than providing job in MNC or getting laid. Who needs to learn when you can spit out your noob opinion on FB and Twitter and become part of the democracy that resides on internet? Anyways.
Haren Patel joined RSS in early age and later joined BJP. He was strong supporter of Keshubhai Patel (CM of Gujarat before Modi). In ’98 when BJP came to power in Gujarat under Keshubhai’s leadership, Patel was made Home Minister of Gujarat. After Keshubhai resigned and Modi came in the game, Patel was given Revenue Ministry. On 26 March 2003, he was shot dead in his car.
A 6 foot tall man sitting in his Maruti 800 car was shot between his legs from outside the car. The bullet traveled upwards from there and penetrated the his body. If there is one word that can describe that it is impossible unless the man was sitting with his legs dangling out of the car's windows. There were no bullet traces in the car and surprisingly this man did not bleed at all. The Forensic Lab had to swab the car to find a trace of his blood. Seven bullets pumped in, one through his scrotum and not a drop of blood on the seat!
The lone eyewitness who saw the gunman pumping bullets into Haren Pandya was so shocked that for an hour he did not inform anyone. He just froze. When he unfroze and informed the police, it took them three hours to reach the spot which was 10 minutes away from their police station. Enough time for the real accused to leave the city before the police puts up any check posts on the city roads!
No wonder all the accused were acquitted for lack of evidence. The entire story was a false flag operation and the body was planted after the murder had been committed elsewhere. Haren Pandya's wife says he could not have been shot in his car
6 months before his death Haren Pandya claimed that he is receiving death threats. Why? Because Pandya claimed before the tribunal which was probing government’s inaction in 2002 riots, that Modi held a meeting on the night of February 27, 2002, and allegedly told all his ministers and senior bureaucrats to allow “people to vent their frustration and not come in the way of the Hindu backlash” in response to the burning of train by Muslims in Godhra. While recording his statements before the tribunal, Pandya had urged the probing body not to disclose his name. However, members within the State establishment came to know somehow that it was Pandya who had leaked the crucial details. Subsequently, he began receiving death threats and was eventually murdered.
His wife Jagruti Pandya contested on Gujarat Parivartan Party ticket in 2012 on the premise that the Modi Government was involved in the conspiracy to murder her husband. She quoted "My husband's assassination was a political murder. For the last 10 years I have been fighting a legal battle to get him justice but in vain, however, I will continue to fight”
Sandeep Manudhane
Sandeep Manudhane, quite an epic fight this is turning out to be
I think it is not good for Indian democracy at all. But wait, we Indians need to carefully look beyond Party politics in this case at least.
It is perhaps the first time an elected Chief Minister has made such a desperate-sounding statement, against a sitting PM. Why? Either he is a lunatic who just lost his mind, or he has been pushed brutally into the corner by opponents. I do not think, and I am sure very few do, that he is a lunatic at all. His electoral performances do not make me think like that.
So who or what has pushed him into such a tight corner?
Either those are internal forces - within his party - whose maniacal actions have brought trouble regularly to the party’s image. In that case, we have nothing to worry. His destiny and his karma will now take care of everything.
Or, there is an external force (external to AAP).
Then, it is the BJP, and Mr Modi, by default. If that is so, either he has misread and misunderstood regular competition, or Kejriwal is correct. If he is correct, it is not at all good for anyone. But like all things in life, I think there is exaggeration from both side - from the AAP camp, and perhaps even the BJP camp.
The AAP should climb down a bit, let things pass, and the BJP too should stop treating (if they are) the AAP as an existential threat. They are not.
If the BJP is worried about AAP’s ground-level reach in Punjab and fears it may face the electoral consequences, then they must learn from the Delhi debacle and take it a bit easy. In a democratic setup, some shakeup is never bad.
However, if this tug-of-war continues, we all lose. Delhi loses on governance, Modi’s image takes a beating, no matter what anyone would love to believe. Criticism can be used intelligently to burnish one’s image, but such criticism is never useful.
For the sake of democracy, we citizens should hope that Parties do not cross certain Laxman Rekhas. Gains in the immediate can leave tragic footprints in the long run. Some restraint, some temperance, is very important.
Remember, half of our citizens still lack good education, good food, and good housing. We have much better things to do. All of us.
Jai Hind
Shashank Sharma
Shashank Sharma, Aam Aadmi Entertainment and Time-pass Party
Mr Kejriwal is a smart politician. His entry into politics, creation of Aam Aadmi Party, winning Delhi elections, resigning from the post, then again winning elections, have been backed by a lot of planning and plotting.
When Mr. Kejriwal calls Modi a psycopath, when he questions his degree and when he announces a threat to his life, it’s all part of a game plan.
Kejriwal has his eyes set on Punjab elections. For now, anything that supports Kejriwal’s candidacy, is acceptable.
When Kejriwal says that his life is under threat, it is to appeal to a certain section of Punjab electorate.
I am sure there will be more such creative out of the box accusations for upcoming Goa and Uttar Pradesh elections.
Frankly, I think nothing of such statements. Kejriwal is a statement manufacturing industry, with a diverse portfolio.
Be ready to be surprised, every single day!
Cheetu Mishra
Cheetu Mishra, I know about politics
""Modi ji is frustrated. He might get me and my party members murdered.""
Political discourse is touching newest low day by day. I guess for the first time in history of India, any CM of a state has made such an outrageous allegation on the Prime Minister of a country.
It is highly likely that he himself might stage an attack on one of his party members or may be even himself and claim that the PM has orchestrated the attack.
Day by day, this man is touching new lows.
Now this is going too far. How can he openly allege the Prime Minister of conspiring to assassinate him?
Shouldn't PMO file a police case against Kejriwal for this? He is literally calling the PM a murderer!
I think he is suffering from schizophrenia or severe depression.
And in the video I saw him coughing,the reason might be Modi ji doing biological warfare.Modiji might have mixed bacteria in his food :p
Saurabh Gupta
Saurabh Gupta, # civil engineer #Indian politics # Cricket lover # Kejriwal fan # tech savvy
There have been untimely unanswered political deaths in the history of India politics. Rajesh Pilot, Madhavrao Scindia, Lal Bahadur Shastri Ji are some of them .The amount of hate that’s all around for Arvind Kejriwal, even if he dies in weird circumstances, there might be a few eye brows raised only for a week or 2, few candle light marches, but everyone would return to Business as Usual even if AK or someone else in AAP dies in some accident.
Abhishek Vissapragada
Abhishek Vissapragada, Views are personal. Upvotes are not necessarily endorsements.
Well its obviously not going to be taken seriously. It would be political suicide by an opposition party to think to murder a known face of a rival party as that will only make them a martyr. But given the escalation in rivalry between BJP and AAP, it wouldn't be a far fetched thought.
Take for example the kind of battle that is raging between the Centre and Delhi government. Arvind Kejriwal a year ago had said that the LG was being ordered by Modi to interfere in the workings of the Delhi government. No one believed him then. But a year later, you see sp many AAP MLAs being arrested on the most frivolous charges and even if a serious charge is made there is no proof presented to the court for the same!
Given the fact that Modi has lost most of the state elections since the Delhi elections, he would not want any opposition to rise to the stature of challenging him. With AAP expanding itself to Punjab, Goa and Gujarat other than building their organisations in some states, AAP might be seen as a credible opposition to Modi by 2019. According to opinion polls, AAP might even win in Punjab while making in roads in Gujarat and Goa.
Till now, the party hasn't been shaken to bend to Modi's will and even after so much harrassment (which is my opinion), AAP government and the party stand strong.
So killing Kejriwal is a far fetched option but wouldn't be a bad choice considering he is the one keeping the party together and a person to reckon with.
I felt suffocated, I felt bad for me!
Around a couple of years I donated RS.10 as party fund for AAP. Yes I then followed Kejriwal.
Went through his biography. The hardships. The time he spent in slums. His zeal to make a website by himself. The way he fought against corruption. About his NGO. I thought he was a selfless person.
I thought him visionary, I admired him.
Now, after a series of statements, mocking Modi, he is little off the track. He is noticed more for the mocks, rather than his work.
After the recent statement about Modi, his words possess no more value. I try dodging his words. Even if it comes, let it come through one ear and pass it from other.
I feel disappointed.
Ravi K Sinha
Ravi K Sinha, Learner, Observer, Thinker
Now some loyal AAP supports are coming out with own twisted logic which only they can understands.
When all his accusations starts with “ mujhe kuch logo ne bataya hai…(some people have told me…)” it holds no credibility. God knows when AK will learn this simple logic. Allegations needs backing too!
“Mujhe PMO ke kuch logo ne bataya…”
“Some people from PMO told me”
“Mujhe CBI ke kuch logo ne bataya..,”
“Some people from CBI told me”
now what? “Mujhe Yamraj ne khud aake bataya??”
“Yamraj himself told me??”
Now all the comments/answers have the same counter argument that Modi also said something similar when he was running for 2014 election. But do you remember the context and bomb blast in Patna where he was holding the rally? No! why would you?
Oh yes! Kejriwal was attacked as well. By an ink thrower and it was more lethal than Atom Bombs!
But no one will have anything to say this? Oh! He is Modi agent now.
You guys amaze me! And the most funny part is that you call us “Bhakts”.
AD Yadav
AD Yadav, Politics is everyday life of average Indian,I get involved 2 demand answers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paKcu1FQ7gA&feature=youtu.be
Modi is a ordinary politician of India and so is Arvind Kejriwal. Now, as the question says, what do I think of Kejriwal’s statement about Modi getting him killed ?
Lets Think.
  1. Kejriwal has asked listeners to think why someone is working overtime to disturb and destroy lawmakers of AAP. Is this a wrong statement ? To me, No.
  2. Considering that above statement is a truth for me, since I am living in India and voting since 1989. Next thought is, who are the interested parties in this ? CBI, Income Tax department, Delhi Police, ACB Delhi are factual interested parties. Is this a wrong statement ? To me , No .
  3. Next question which raises its head is who is the constitutional head governing departments of CBI, Income Tax, Delhi Police, ACB Delhi ? And, next, which high ranking official (if any) of those agencies been punished for not following norms prevalent in all India basis under well established governance of Congress and BJP ? If there are none, then what does this means as signal to actions being taken in Delhi ? Answer yourself, irrespective of your conclusion, leaders of those organizations are responsible for targeted attack on AAP. We can discuss on modalities at arriving on how we will blame, whether it will be on PM due to inaction of summarily removal of rogue bureaucrats acting against AAP or directly on PM because of explicit instruction, I dont see there is any other way to understand it as an educated Indian who knows what is the meaning of bureaucratic delegation of power.
  4. Next Question Kejriwal raises in his message is speculation about why it is being done to AAP whatever is being done in Delhi ? It is very obvious, there is a reason behind every action, reasons may differ, but reasons do exist behind robotic act of creation of negative headline, case, arrest, court appearance, bail and repeat. Acknowledging that he is not sure or reason, Kejriwal suggests options such as frustration of PM with constant comparisons of state/centre new initiatives of delhi, loss in Delhi, expansion of AAP in Punjab, Goa, Guj. He concludes by saying that whatever be the reason, the actions taken by him either directly or through deputies defy logical end and is a dangerous sign. Now, we can debate things here, whether kejriwal is right that actions of head of the state should be reasonable and logical ? whether Kejriwal is right that reasons for being frustrated with AAP can only be limited to a few choices ? whether Kejriwal is right to claim that robotic acts of making false cases, using agencies and police, arresting lawmakers, and giving them bail a few days later is achieving any end in any way for PM of India ( or his deputies ) ? Think it over, if you can.
  5. Next he expands and tries to understands what else is happening around grand PM of India, i.e apart from Delhi govt to see if there is a pattern of illogical decisions or not ?. And he stumbles on events like India Nepal relations, India pakistan lahore friendship- pathankot isi visit, Dalit student issues, Farmer suicide issues, jewellers protest etc. Are any of these topics a non issue ? To me, No. If anyone wishes to discuss, let me know.
  6. Next he discusses the politicians way of working, explaining that in the interest of the nation, if any politician wishes to claim power, they should do so by betting performance, however, he warns that other way prevalent in current india is that politicians want to gain power by removing anyone performing better than them, makes sense ? Well , if I kill the competition, I will always be the benchmark and winner, No ?
  7. In the last, he concludes by saying that attempts to rule by removing performance of others is not working over AAP lawmakers and attracts attention of his members that anything can happen with those who believe in reducing others performance. Perhaps, we need to refer to how politics plays in India, present PM of India is an ex CM of Gujarat and if there is historical incident to prove how he behaves when faced with people resistant to his wishes and plans. Small search lands me here Jagruti Pandya meets man acquitted in Haren Pandya murder case DG Vanzara sings about Haren Pandya murder, says it was political conspiracy: CBI - Times of IndiaWho Killed Haren Pandya? as usual, if we start on doubting spree, we can doubt everyone, but then we will be forced to give benefit of this doubt to Kejriwal too, specially when we have this word from what is known as family of the person lost in political fight. Tehelka - The People's Paper
So, all in all, my understanding on Kejriwal’s message is that, he is fairly right in predicting future course of events, and sends atimely reminder to his team about how to prepare. Only about last word on murder, I think he is slightly mistaken, whatever words he has used, I feel, what he actually means is that all political adversaries of BJP leader who is PM are potential killing targets of pet hitmen, who ( like Gujarat files showed us ) will be hidden and protected by the leader. So, they should be prepared for such fatal attacks by the likes of various characters which Indian has seen in 'Gujarat Files' review: Rana Ayyub's book must be read by both sides of the political divide - Firstpost
Yash Utmani
Yash Utmani, I am Indian
Read somewhere (don’t know if twitter or FB). On the day Kejriwal claimed this a guy posted it:
“My father came from office and I told him Kejriwal says Modi may try to kill him. His father replied: “Marne De””
Kejriwal has reduced the value of his words to nothing. Not many take him seriously, and the numbers will continue to diminish till he fades away. I didn’t even feel anger, though I did feel a bit of pity. The way he speaks in the video one feels he really believes what he is saying. He may be seriously suffering from paranoia or some other psychological disorder.
Hope Vipasana cures him.
Lakshmipathi Ganapathi
Lakshmipathi Ganapathi, Ex-aap & Ex-AK supporter!
Seriously I’m fed-up with these kind of drama by AK & AAP. Tell me, when was last time , CM killed by PM. What he is suggesting here?
And for those who claim MLA being targeted by Central Govt. Remember why Yogendra & Prashant Bhushan left AAP. Prashant Bhushan submits list of 12 AAP candidates with dubious reputation
Edit: I added above link as reference to candidates related issue AAP faced in past & didn’t suggest there is 1-to-1 mapping between list & arrested candidates.
Professional deformation is the word.
This is Arvind kejriwal for you. Whenever I am in Delhi and see delhites, and I feel sorry for them. This is what they have chosen for Delhi. In spite of all the drama he did, there are people in other parts of the country who still support him. I don't know what will happen to Punjab if somehow AAP comes in power. All he does is talks about Modi all the time, keeps abusing him, and always trying to instigate him to take his name in some sort of way. Mr. Prime minister on the other hand is busy in bringing reforms like GST bill, taking care of foreign relationships, farmers and many more. Only thing he is not doing is reacting on kejriwal's drama, and that is the biggest problem of kejriwal.
In many answers here, people have requested BJP core committee or members to react against it, to file complaint against kejriwal, or make an issue of what he said, other than that I feel like he should just be ignored on that, keep doing your work, visit your constituency more, promote good work, people have voted him not because he is any good, or did any betterment to the society but because they wanted a change and now they know all about kejriwal. So better be prepared for the next election rather getting involved in any kejriwal's wrongdoing, learn something from our Prime Minister.
At the end, I feel sad about the statement he made and still hoping that probably one day kejriwal will stand for the change he meant during the beginning of his political career. After all we need Modi but a kejriwal too for betterment of our society as a whole.
Saurabh Tripathi
Saurabh Tripathi, against bad politics
I feel sad, but because of a different reason.
Arvind Kejriwal stays in headlines more than any other person of our country and for all wrong reasons. He accuses our PM daily. Whole world trolls him for this (Mind it when I say whole world) . And then one day this man releases a video where he says Modi is so frustrated that he can even kill him . And whole world starts mocking him again.
But I see something different here.
He accuses Modi, the BJP leader not Modi, the PM.
He is one of the most qualified politician of Delhi. He knows that BJP can drag him to court for this video but this man still releases the video. You think is he a moron?
Guys he is matured enough to know what he is doing. So we don't need to keep reminding him to grow up. He is grown up enough.
And you think he is doing all this without any reason?? Just to stay in headlines?? He knows that he can even go to jail for this but still will he do this just to remain in news?
There must be atleast 1% truth in his video. Try to find that. He is a CM and knows what is right and what is wrong to speak in public.
Why is our thinking so biased??
Our great Media will show his tweets and speeches but will never show us his works in Delhi. He is trying to pass so many schemes for the benefit of citizens but our LG and home minister are not cooperating. These things will never be shown to you by media.
BJP is not as clean as it looks or is shown to us by media. You never know what is going inside them when a rival party is trying to do some good work. They interfere in their work by sending CBI and police.
Being such helpless can't they expect help from the public? Why is public so blind not to look at his development efforts but to look at his tweets?
Quora has taught me to think wisely before judging someone or idolizing someone.
There must be some truth when a CM releases such video. He is not a fool to do everything wrong.
Think again friends.
Let's not be driven by what media shows. Let's use our own mind to judge someone.
P.S. I don't support any party. I appreciate every party for their good work and criticise them for bad.
Manish Chhetri
Manish Chhetri, Engineer and a soccer enthusiast.
From past and present, we do know the way he has managed to eliminate completion firstly to become Gujarat CM with riots two times before elections. India of the present is filled with people who easily kill to deliver mob justice. If Modi’s followers are so violent I cannot imagine what must be cooking in the PM and his henchmen’s head. Read my other post on SIT investigation and Human Rights report from Gujarat.
Now Coming to the present - People who follow Delhi politics will see the rate at which AAP MLAs are getting arrested for absolutely frivolous charges is astounding. Never before even during emergency have elected representatives been arrested at such a rate. Nor have bills which are very pro people and pro governance returned on technical grounds after 6-7 months of them being passed by an elected assembly.
What is the center trying to prove? This is absolutely unnecessary and needs to stop. No one is complaining against the drug lords of Punjab, no warrants for Vyapam, Khadse, no warrant for Vadra or Sonia - just to name a few. Common sense has seriously taken flight.
But would Modi try and get Kejriwal killed. Here is one of his followers threatening a CM.
The Indian Enlightenment (The Indian Enlightenment)
Lakshya Jain
Lakshya Jain, Keen observer of Indian Politics.
There is a medical condition called as Schizophrenia. It involves a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion.
After watching this video of Mr. Kejriwal I am pretty sure he is suffering fromSchizophrenia. It seems to be in initial stage and can still be cured. I request the AAP followers to take him to a decent doctor and get him treated. I will be happy to contribute for the medical expenses.
On a more serious note, this is beyond ridiculous. AK’s ministers are committing crimes and instead of punishing them, he is trying to protect them by blaming modi for their arrest. The worst part is that many AAP followers are ready to ignore such serious crimes just because their leader said so.
  • Somnath Bharti tortures his wife. Modi’s fault.
  • Amanatullah Khan threatens a women about rape and murder. Modi’s fault.
  • Jitendra Singh Tomar has a fake degree. Modi’s fault.
  • Prakash Jarwal first slaps a govt employee and then molests a women. Modi’s fault.
  • Manoj Kumar illegally grabs land and cheats and also doing domestic violence. Still Modi’s fault ?.
Recently a AAP women worker committed suicide because her molester (Ramesh Wadhwa) was granted bail. Still Modi’s fault ?
AAP followers and especially AK, needs to realize that not everything that is going wrong is because of Modi. There are wrong people in their party and they need to be punished. You talk about cleaning politics, clean you own party first.
Ashish Pandey
Ashish Pandey, Day will come when people will say a man like him ever walked on earth.
Looks like modiji and arvind are in same boat.
While lot is being said about Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and made fun at on his remarks that Narendra Modi may kill him, we came across a not much old news about Narendra Modi saying that Congress is looking for the chances to kill him. In 2014, during the campaign of general elections, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi had said the Congress keeps looking for chances to kill him or beat him.
"The Congress does not like the fact that a tea seller is challenging and questioning such a big political empire."They keep looking for chances to kill me and beat me," said Modi, while addressing a rally in Ahmedabad.
This might come as a jolt to BJP leadership and supporters who are even claiming that Arvind Kejriwal should be admitted to a mental asylum for his 'laughable' remark. The BJP supporters also termed Kejriwal as a psycho and mental after the statement. I wish they had same opinion about PM candidate then. Considering the fact that how central leadership has been targetting AAP government in Delhi and arresting the MLAs on spurious charges, the statement of Arvind Kejriwal may seem relevant one. Kejriwal statement has some weight seeing the amount of physical and verbal violence being metted across the country against those who differs with the BJP/RSS ideologies. Kejriwal has said what the various section of people fear and agree deep within. In fact, a Hindutva leader Swami OM ji sometimes back was also reported saying that they have killed Gandhi and they will kill Kejriwal too.
Recently Arvind Kejriwal in his video mesage had alleged that PM Modi may try to kill him, the way he has been after his MLAs and looking for opportunities to frame him.
Again if someone is unstoppable, only one way to stop him, just eliminate him.
I think time has come for media to stop giving him undeserved coverage and fame. When he started anti corruption crusade with anna hazare many among youth admired him for his anti corruption credentials. After a very long time we witnessed a people's movement in true sense as it wasn't backed by any political party. But like many other popular movements past, this people's movement too was hijacked by an opportunist who used it to fulfill his own political aspirations. Very carefully and tactically he sidelines any one who opposed him including Anna Hazare. And he won the elections on false and impractical promises of free electricity and water. He has no economic vision whatsoever. If his economic plans are implemented, India eill soon become like Venezuela. The most disappointing part of him is his political strategy. We all considered politics a dirty business. But the way he and his sycophant comrades are doing politics, they creating new definition for word DIRTY politics. He doesnt any plan for development and governance. So to hide his shortcomings he keeps on targeting Mr Modi in most reproachable way he can. We all have right to cricize our PM.But the office of PM carries some dignity and respect So we can criticize the policies of PM but the the language used by Kejriwal for PM irrespective of the whether he is modi or not is condemnable. He only knows to blame others so that he be in limelight and further his political ambitions.
Rajagopalan K Suryanarayan
Rajagopalan K Suryanarayan, I am interested in Indian History, Political science & present politics of India
Kejriwall stated that he may be killed. But the context in which he said purported to be that Modi may try to kill. After studying the statement I feel
1. It is absurd because he is frustrated and stymied.
2. Having failed to provoke Modi, felt this will infuriate him and give his reaction. From thereon take him further and corner him. This did not happen.
3. Kejri felt that this statement will annoy Modi making him lodge an FIR which will enable him to be arrested or taken to judicial custody. Then he pose as a victim and generate sympathy which will increase his popularity as it happened in the case of Indira Gandhi. It will be a win win situation.
4. Kejriwall felt that the statement itself will be believed by the public and generate opinion in his favour.
5. Kejriwall felt the statement will entail the central government increase his security further and he can pose that he is equal to Modi since he has the same security cover.
6. Kejriwall felt that the statement will arrest the falling popularity of AAP and himself.
7. The public anger which is very much against AAP and Kejri. He felt the statement will reduce to some extent. If possible it may be reversed even.
8. Kejriwall felt the statement will cover up his inefficiency and also unrest among his followers. Many of his supporters in Delhi are leaving the party and the same can be stopped.
Unfortunately it backfired and it became evident that his behaviour is more childish than serious or responsible. He downgraded himself by his foolish statements which was uncalled for and unnecessary.
Priyanka Sinha
Priyanka Sinha, studied at Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, Delhi
Will the AAP supporters, party members and volunteers literally get killed by BJP? I don't think so.
But they are already being killed ! Their hopes are being killed. Their ambitions are being killed. Their bills are being killed. Their willingness to work is being killed. A hurdle every step of the way!
21 MLAs arrested and on such frivolous charges! The court has acquitted so many on the grounds of no proof and has bashed the Delhi Police and called the arrests "Politically Motivated".
Yes now people are going to call me a blind supporter of AAP but that is what I'm not.
I didn't support AAP when Mr.Kejriwal resigned as the CM of Delhi just after 49 days of governance.
I didn't support Mr.Kejriwal when he went to support Lalu just because he wanted BJP to lose in Bihar.
I didn't support him on his stand on the JNU Controversy.
But who doesn't make mistakes? It is human to err !
He has given people like me a ray of hope ! And he has worked in Delhi to prove his worth . AAP is worthy of the 67 seats that they won.
It is very sad that BJP has not been able to digest the defeat in Delhi and is doing everything in its power to hinder the work of the Delhi Government.
It is not fair to the people of Delhi!
We didn't vote for BJP in the State Elections. True. But that does not mean that the central government is going to torture us like this!
The war between Delhi and the Centre is not just between parties anymore, for me it has become personal as the Centre is troubling people like me by not letting Delhi progress !
The video may seem childish and maybe it is, but it is not far from the truth!
AAP is being murdered slowly by the Centre and anybody who does not see this has turned a blind eye to it on purpose !
Naimish Dixit
Naimish Dixit, jack of many threads,introvert,budding entrepreneur
To be a bit precise
For Mr. Kejriwal and all his supporters-
"This is a result when your aspirations(GOA assembly elections,PUNJAB assembly elections)start influencing your inspirations (I.A.C movement, Anna hazare) and you land up no where else, posing false allegations to opposition.
Kuntal Sarma
Kuntal Sarma, Stupid Common Man
Kejriwal is no idiot, the guy is an IIT Kharagpur pass-out & an ex burocrat.
AAP is a cult, the more retard its leaders grow, the more strength and influence the cult would acquire. Like the Islamic State.
His strategy is not to persuade Modi supporters to become AAP followers but to become God of Modi haters.
The things that he said in the video is nothing new, he has been Tweeting and RTing same things from 6:45AM in the morning to 11:30PM evening each day everyday. It is just that he went slightly ahead by saying that Modi Ji might also get him killed. The below is a screenshot of his 3 consecutive tweets from a couple of days back.
  1. It’s his lunacy that has appealed to people who are of eccentric nature. The more he is trolled the more he tweets blaming Modi, trying to portray how adamant he is.
  2. The video is his another publicity stunt to stay afloat in media, and to reach to a wider range of population nation wide.
Saumya Pandey
Saumya Pandey, works at Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System
Personally, I think both of his comments, earlier the "psychopath and coward" one, and now this "getting killed" one, were absolutely avoidable and extreme.
However, you do not have to be an AAP supporter to see the kind of treatment they are getting from center. All their work is being stalled. Officers who are working in tandem with Delhi government are either being harassed or transferred out. Any new project they wish to start is halted by LG/MHA and is declared "Null and Void". They are not allowed to take any decision against officers not working efficiently as per their expectations. They are not allowed to pick and choose officers who they think can help fulfill their manifesto promises. They have no control over law and order of the state. ACB, which was with Delhi government till 2015, too was snatched away from them. Their opinions are either not sought or just blatantly ignored in the cases of various decisions regarding appointments for various posts, despite them eventually working with or under Delhi government. All agencies have been left loose on AAP MLAs. Delhi police, CBI, ACB, now IT too, who go deaf and blind when any other complaints come their way, suddenly becomes lively and springs into lightening action. In a flash they file FIRs against MLAs and arrests them on most frivolous of charges. That is a different story that in most of the cases they are unable to provide any substantial evidence in courts, and are pulled up by courts for their bizarre actions. Meanwhile, we all are made to believe that nothing is unusual and each of these actions are per normal guidelines, following set procedures, law and order and nothing is partisan. Of course that is all “true”. Now, that reminds me of two of the Martin Luther King's prominent quotes:
"Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress."
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.."
We, Indians are emotional people and expect our prominent leaders to be smooth talkers, and we instantly gets swayed by their oratory skills. We especially do not like to hear anything harsh or crass against leaders we have hopes from. In that sense, both Kejriwal and Modi are polarizing figures. Uncivilized, crass, and offensive language, no matter who it is coming from, should never be justified in any circumstance. But, we were all fine when "activist" Arvind Kejriwal spoke harshly attacking congress regimen with similar uncouth language. In fact we cheered that Arvind Kejriwal coz at that time he was giving voice to our sentiments, frustration, and anger against the then regimen, and that activists are supposed to call spade a spade in harshest way possible. We were also fine when CM Modi used similar uncouth, sexist language against his opponents in power for the similar reasons. Many of us are okk even today, when as PM he continues to use offensive and loutish adjuncts against his opponents in his political rally coz somewhere we agree with the sentiments against those opponents. But, none of that is acceptable against PM, coz “we are not supposed to speak of PM like this”. Than, obviously its not acceptable from CM Kejriwal, voicing his anger, and frustration against a popular PM. PM has indeed done a tremendous job projecting self as a Statesman in general and also more specifically in this case by refusing to indulge publicly and directly with Kejriwal despite his constant attacks and provocation. But, that doesn’t mean Kejriwal and his constant daily rants haven't got under his skin. Its very much evident from his body language when ever they both come face to face, and from constant obstacles Delhi government is facing from the hostile center. Though PM has refused to acknowledge Arvind Kejriwal publicly, he surely does consider him as a strong political rival who should be ignored at one's own peril. Why else he would ask Goa CM about the response to Kejriwal's Goa rally? Anyways, at the personal level, this round of perception battle has been won by PM by "ignoring" ferociously aggressive Delhi CM. Cant say same of center gov vs Delhi government though.
Coming to video message, its definitely exaggerated rhetorical overkill. No sane opponent will try assassinate CM of a state, definitely not a vocal leader like Kejriwal, based in Delhi. Opponent would much rather prefer him to get entangled in personal charges of corruption. This message video seems to be a preemptive strike. In a way it is also an attempt to encourage and emotionally charge up his troops to gear up for more troublesome time. "You win or you die" is the way any battle chief encourages his army.
With time and experience Arvind Kejriwal is growing as a shrewd politician who could think like his opponents, seasoned politicians and outsmart them in their own game. At this infantile stage, AAP lacks any substantial power to influence perception, decisions at policy level. They also lack any sizable resources be it money, grass-root force, or friends in power. With the kind of opponents they have, it’s the daily struggle of survival for them. They have to strategize accordingly, and slowly find space for themselves to grow, without being crushed and sent to oblivion; all this while keeping all their limitations in mind. The whole of that task falls upon the only visible and effective commander of the ship. He has the responsibility to keep whatever little army he has, together, motivated, and focused. Given the lack of resources, he has to fight the battle psychologically. "The greatest battle is not physical but psychological". We, as normal spectators/political enthusiasts watching this daily "Kejriwal shenanigans" are getting frustrated, irritated, and many of us angry as well, but so are his opponents. He is forcing BJP top leadership to acknowledge him, and directly or indirectly attack him. He is making Congress realize that they are loosing space of expressive, credible opposition to him, especially on television screens, if not on ground. And, he is also making other regional parties take notice of him. Yes, he is constantly trying to keep self relevant by grabbing all the eye-balls, but what other resources he has. Moreover, news channels too love him for the TRPs he bring. He, along with his party would have been crushed by now if they were not constantly shouting from the rooftop. It is just like that annoying but assuring sounds of "Jaagte Raho". The main problem with AAP is that, the person who is their major strength is also their biggest weakness. He is the general of that army where he has no choice but to fight from the front and take all the attacks directly upon self, while the general of his opponent's army can safely manage his troops from behind, letting them fight this battle for him.
"A Constant struggle, a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings, is the price of all great achievements"
Manish Kr. Shukla
Manish Kr. Shukla, I see, i observe, i admire, i critic
He has lost it all, Respect, credibility, maturity, everything. !
His allegations are like the one which usually a person puts on a road side gangsta, which makes me even more sick of his mentality.
I still remember those days, when he was being projected as the Anil Kapoor of Movie Nayak, When he was famously acronym as AK-46. But as they say, all good things (??) come to an end.
In addition to that, he probably has mistaken the quote “Tell a lie 100 times and it becomes true” way too seriously.
For me the departure of Sheila dixit to the sworning in of Arvind Kejriwal, is like Delhi wala saying to god can it get worst than this, and God being like, You think this is worst, let me send you AK.
He’s a CM, a goddamn Chief minister, who is expected to work, speak, but all he does is complain and rant. This man is more sort of that aunty around the corner, who can probably find a mistake in everything you do.
Even when he tried recreating the magic of Mann ki Baat, interacting with Delhi and pumping up it’s hopes, He did nothing but wasted it.
Am i surprised, not really. Am i disheartened, Yeah, Has he lost my respect, Nope, he lost it long back. !
Rahul Dev Balagopal
Rahul Dev Balagopal, Waiting for Acche Din to enjoy with my beef (Only where legal!)
It is wise to be wary of BJP, they already have a history of taking out problem people like Hiren Pandya and in Vyapam scam. Amit Shah is a champion of staged encounters, even Modi has overseen an anti Muslim progrom in 2002 (I know he got away. So basically BJP has gotten away with murder consistently and now they control all the law agencies and treat it like their personal servants. The daily arrests of AAP MLAs proves that BJP does not care for any propriety and are willing to use their state power to muscle political opponents, if they find their arrests are not working who knows what they will try next, it makes sense to be wary. At least announcing it may prevent them from actually committing murder.
Surya Narayanan R
Surya Narayanan R, Follower of Indian politics
Media attention, Prime Time Discussion, Newspapers covering this news in fdon't pages….
It makes very Indian feel sad when an elected CM accuses that PM may eliminate him.. Arvind has been given trumping majority by the people of Delhi. By making an allegation of such levels he is also challenging the institutions of India.
This is not a minor truffle between two private individuals. People outside India may get an impression that in India political opponents will be elimined or neutralised.
This allegation gives out a very bad message to the outside world. In a vibrant democracy like India, Arvind can approach Supreme Court any time and get all his acquisitions validated.
For those who think the statement is completely uncalled for, I would tend to agree till i am reminded of Haren Pandya's death in Gujarat. We do understand politics is very nasty in India and to think that this murder did have political overtones to it would be an understatement.
Hence, when one is reminded of such an incident, Arvind's not off mark expressing the fear to his party colleagues and volunteers.
The way president rule was applied in two states and subsequently thrashed by SC, only proves that this government is more keen on achieving their political ambitions than their development agenda. As MMS recently said in his interview in HT, War cry of Cong Mukt Bharat will not do any wonders in getting their assistance in Parliament. Hence, the attitude of finishing opposition or subduing them using CBI (old trick of Congress) is not a very progressive one in Indian parliament. Sadly for BJP, AAP cannot be intimidated by either methods, hence the ugly face off.
Akhilesh Dixit
Akhilesh Dixit, Once supported AAP
Kejriwal is very shrewd poticians. He curse Modi every day because it pleases some natural Modi haters, people from certain cast and Religion.He ants to tell them only he can takeon Modi.If you go to Kejriwal face most of his praiser and likers are in majority from one community. To rule in india you need around 30% vote he is playing cast and communal politics like Lalu Nitish and Mulayam.
Ironically he promised politics of different class now he is bringing dalit manifesto, defending criminals and corrupt elements in AAP, no talk of Lokpal etc.
Neeru Bahl
Neeru Bahl, studied at Hansraj College, University of Delhi
Political violence is a reality in India. It is rampant in Kerala, West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and shades of violence can be seen in other states as well.
This statement, no doubt has created a furor, at least in social media, but also has brought the focus on Delhi Government being victimized by the Centre through Delhi Police which is controlled by the Centre.
BJP is facing defeat in Punjab and Goa seems to be a difficult call for BJP, courtesy AAP and Arvind Kejriwal.
Arvind Kejriwal has expressed his fears. He could have said it in a more ‘politically correct’ manner. What he said was ‘these people (political rivals) can kill me’ and did not name anyone! Wonder what is a better way to express fears and he did not name the P.M. but everybody jumped to the conclusion on social media and news channels. Does that not mean that actually everyone who jumped at the name of the Prime Minister is actually thinking that way?
A very pertinent question that props up: Is political vendetta accepted as ‘politically correct’ now?
As a citizen and voter, one should remember if AAP is on the receiving end of political vendetta right now, it could be any other political party or an activist or a bureaucrat some other time.
So, the issue to be debated upon should be the political vendetta that has lead to this fear and not the expression of fear.
This did not surprise in anyway, especially how AK always strive to get some attention, deviate issues that are concerned to public.
People will still follow and entertain this kind of people (or leaders) just for the sake of time pass and media coverage.
He is feeling himself great and trying to imagine to fill in PM shoes. Nothing wrong there but the timing and the way he accuses Modi every time like this only show cases his wrong intentions.
And now there came list of followers who spreading more non-sense as if they had seen how the Modi and Shah and in fact whole BJP working to bring down one person.
Why is that insiders are only leaking information to “AK” and not leaking to Lokpal or Courts???
He is not cleaning politics but making a Joke!
Arvind Kejriwal is an IITian and Ex IRS officer. One of the best brains in India, undoubtedly! Now, how, when and where to use this “super knowledge”, decides the results.
What Arvind Kejriwal is trying to get with such statements:
  1. Polarisation - Country is polarised on the lines of religion and we know, this polarisation worked up to some extent in last Lok Sabha elections. After Modi became PM, there is another polarisation which has greater effects i.e. Bhakts and others. Here others include AAPtards, Congis, Libtards, Sickulars etc. (Sorry I’m using the same language which is in fashion now!). Now to get the maximum share of Non-Bhakts, you need to bash Modi 24x7x365. This will help him to get the major share of votes, who hate Modi. He knows, Mamta, Nitish, Mulayam or even Rahul can’t stoop so low, so he will cash this hate and will be the PM candidate from coalition parties in 2019.
  2. Hyena Strategy - They growl, whoop, grunt, yelp and whine as a means of communicating amongst themselves. They also use their tails as a means of communication. Tails are normally carried pointing down. An erect tail indicates aggression; pointed forward over the back, social excitement; held between the legs tight under the belly, fear. By hunting in well-co-ordinated teams, they have become so successful that in parts of the Africa Planes, they make the majority of kills and the lions merely use their bigger size to bully their way on to a carcass. They appear to select one animal and begin to chase it doggedly, cantering after it, snapping at its heels until it is finally goaded into turning and facing its persecutors. When it does that, it is doomed. While it faces one hyena, the others lunge at its belly, sinking their teeth into the unfortunate animal. The wild beast is soon crippled, and disembowelled. Arvind is doing the same BUT Modi seems to be more experienced as he is not addressing him any how rather his party workers are handling Arving well.
  3. Add Campaign - You started a washing powder company and now marketing is bis task. It needs time, money and manpower but you in bad shape and has nothing. The only option is to start cursing the best product available in the market. Put add in news papers, videos etc and highlight all the negativity you find (whether correct or not, who is going to ask you!) and master stroke will be when you publish that the best product available in the market is not letting you to survive.
Ravi Shankar
Ravi Shankar, Teenage Entrepreneur | Future Lawyer | NLUian | Debater | Quizzer | ChessWiz |
I feel a great sense of pity on Arvind Kejriwal , the Aam Aadmi Party , the supporters of AAP and the political discourse of this country as a whole .
India is the largest democracy . Our nation has witnessed 100s of great political rivalries but never has the level of discourse stopped this low . Even when the the INC was after Modi’s head by framing him for the Ishrat Jahan’s encounter , never once did he complain or whine the way AK is doing right now . If we look at other political rivalries involving PMModi such as Modi - Nitish Kumar , Modi - Mamata Bannerjer , one can always sense mutual respect among the aforementioned pairs . That is the beauty of Indian democracy where rivals and leaders who are polar opposites of each other in terms of vision and ideology work together for the improvement of the nation .
By making this video , AK , who was once an anti corruption crusader and a glimmer of hope of the masses frustrated with corruption has driven the bar to a new low . I feel ashamed that the PM of our country is being insulted by a loon named Arvind Kejriwal .
Jahnvi Sharma
Jahnvi Sharma, Very keen in Politics.
Through this statement, he is just expressing his own frustration. He is frustrated because Modi ji never replies to his remarks or statements.
Basically, he established himself as an attention seeker.
If he wants attention, he should go for a road to development.
Mahesh C Arali
Mahesh C Arali, works at Jataayu Software
Based on what political eliminations that have happened in Gujarat so that some one raise and keep the power it doesn't sound surprising to me. We have seen many instance where dirty and corrupt eliminate ppl who come in their way. I very much agree with what AK said.
It has to be taken with utmost seriousness. It is not a joke.
Haren Pandya.
Former Gujarat Home Minister.
Mysteriously Killed.
After reading a lot of hate against Kejriwal in the other answers, seems like people are loosing their hope they had earlier. Some are even accusing him of what prove does he have regarding the statement. I think people expectations are too damn high from him, to such an extent that even fraction of disregard is unacceptable.
He’s still new to politics and care very little about his public image. After all such incidents which he mentioned in that video, he felt a little suffocated and made an accusation. The same way Narendra Modi said in 2010:
“Congress cannot digest the progress made by Gujarat and that is the reason they have given `supari' to CBI to finish Modi and stop the progress of state."
He said something similar in 2014 too. If Narendra Modi can grow up from that phase and become a successful leader as he’s now, so why can’t Arvind Kejriwal.
Makarand Desai
Makarand Desai, A student and a fan of Political Analysis
Let me confess one thing. In the days of Anna Hajare’s movement, I personally supported Kejriwal. When he launched AAP, I was hopeful about that.
But unfortunately, he proved me wrong. And he proved himself the best ‘ITEM GIRL’ of Indian Politics. Even Rakhi Sawant will trail behind him !!
Why the hell he thinks Modi will kill him ? Modi is happy with such jackass opponents. This showed the worst tendency of Kejriwal. He seeks sympathy and support with such shameless statements !
But he has some bootlickers and he is bootlicker of many like Kanhaiya !
To conclude, I suspect, Kejri has became even worse than Rahul Gandhi !


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